Diploma in Arts (DipArts) - Course List
Information valid for students commencing 2020
Diploma in Arts
Aboriginal&TorresStrait Islander Studies
Single Major
16 units consisting of:
4 units for compulsory gateway courses -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
ABTS1000 | 2 | Introduction to Aboriginal Studies |
ABTS1010 | 2 | Torres Strait Islander Studies |
and 6 units for compulsory cornerstone courses -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
ABTS2010 | 2 | Indigenous Women and Men: Gendered Business |
ABTS2020 | 2 | Critical Indigenous knowledges, thought and philosophy |
ABTS2060 | 2 | Critical Connections: Indigenous Relationality and/in Place |
and 2 units from -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
ABTS1020 | 2 | Ten Canoes: Exploring Indigenous Art, Film, Music and Literature Through Iconic Works |
ABTS2080 | 2 | Independent Project in Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Studies I |
ABTS2090 | 2 | Independent Project in Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Studies 2 |
ABTS3030 | 2 | Critical Indigenous knowledges in a global context |
ANTH2010 | 2 | Critical Anthropology & Indigenous Australians |
ANTH2260 | 2 | Applied Anthropology and Indigenous Territories |
ARTT2103 | 2 | Australia Pacific Indigenous Arts |
ARTT2200 | 2 | Indigenous Art and Culture Field School |
EDUC2090 | 2 | Indigenous Knowledge & Education |
MUSC2810 | 2 | Indigenous Australian Music: Indigenous music-making in Australia |
POLS2101 | 2 | Indigenous Politics & Policy |
Ancient History
Single Major
16 units consisting of:
4 units for compulsory gateway courses -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
ANCH1240 | 2 | The Rise of Ancient Greece: Greek History to the 4th Century BC |
ANCH1250 | 2 | The Rise of Ancient Rome: Roman History from Romulus to Augustus |
and 2 units for compulsory cornerstone course -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
ANCH2030 | 2 | Myth, Magic and Religion in the Ancient World |
and 4 units to 6 units from -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
ANCH2040 | 2 | The World of Classical Athens: Politics and Society |
ANCH2050 | 2 | Ancient World Study Tour: Sites and Museums |
ANCH2070 | 2 | Study Tour: Sites and Museums of Roman Italy |
ANCH2130 | 2 | Alexander the Great and the Hellenistic World |
ANCH2230 | 2 | The Roman Empire: Politics and Society |
ANCH2250 | 2 | The Career and Influence of Julius Caesar |
ANCH2270 | 2 | Art & Archaeology of Ancient Rome |
ANCH2280 | 2 | Roman Society & Civilisation |
ANCH2290 | 2 | Art & Archaeology of Ancient Greece |
ANCH2310 | 2 | Individuals and the State in the Roman Republic |
ANCH2431 | 2 | The World of Late Antiquity |
ANCH2500 | 2 | Ancient History and Modern Cinema |
ANCH2900 | 2 | R.D. Milns Antiquities Museum International Internship and Field |
DRAM2090 | 2 | Ancient Greek and Roman Theatre |
which may include 2 units from -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
GREK2120 | 2 | Intermediate Greek |
GREK2230 | 2 | Greek Language and Literature 1 |
LATN2120 | 2 | Intermediate Latin |
LATN2230 | 2 | Latin Language and Literature 1 |
and 2 units for compulsory capstone course -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
WRIT3100 | 2 | Writing Ancient History |
Ancient History/History
Single Major
16 units consisting of:
2 units for compulsory gateway course -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
HIST1601 | 2 | Turning Points in World History |
and 2 units to 4 units from -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
ANCH1240 | 2 | The Rise of Ancient Greece: Greek History to the 4th Century BC |
ANCH1250 | 2 | The Rise of Ancient Rome: Roman History from Romulus to Augustus |
and 2 units for compulsory cornerstone course -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
HIST2312 | 2 | The History Makers |
and 2 units to 4 units from -
Ancient History
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
ANCH2030 | 2 | Myth, Magic and Religion in the Ancient World |
ANCH2040 | 2 | The World of Classical Athens: Politics and Society |
ANCH2130 | 2 | Alexander the Great and the Hellenistic World |
ANCH2230 | 2 | The Roman Empire: Politics and Society |
ANCH2250 | 2 | The Career and Influence of Julius Caesar |
ANCH2270 | 2 | Art & Archaeology of Ancient Rome |
ANCH2280 | 2 | Roman Society & Civilisation |
ANCH2290 | 2 | Art & Archaeology of Ancient Greece |
ANCH2431 | 2 | The World of Late Antiquity |
ANCH2500 | 2 | Ancient History and Modern Cinema |
[ ANCH2050 | 2 | Ancient World Study Tour: Sites and Museums |
[ or | ||
[ ANCH2070 | 2 | Study Tour: Sites and Museums of Roman Italy |
[ or | ||
[ ANCH2900 | 2 | R.D. Milns Antiquities Museum International Internship and Field |
and 2 units to 4 units from -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
HIST2100 | 2 | China: From Empire to Republic, 1500-1951 |
HIST2101 | 2 | Contemporary China: The People's Republic, Hong Kong & Taiwan since 1949 |
HIST2107 | 2 | The Modern Middle East |
HIST2119 | 2 | Modern Southeast Asia: Freedom, Power and the State |
HIST2211 | 2 | America in Film |
HIST2245 | 2 | Australians at War |
HIST2247 | 2 | The Making of Modern Australia: Society & Culture since 1901 |
HIST2407 | 2 | Germany from Bismarck to Hitler (1870-1933) |
HIST2408 | 2 | Germany from Hitler to Reunification (1933-1991) |
HIST2411 | 2 | Witchcraft & Demonology in Early Modern Europe & Its Colonies |
HIST2412 | 2 | The British Isles: 1500-1700 |
HIST2414 | 2 | The Radical Right & Fascism in Europe |
HIST2416 | 2 | Medieval Heresy |
HIST2417 | 2 | Imperial Britain: Crisis and Conflict, 1815-1945 |
HIST2615 | 2 | Age of Crusades |
HIST2619 | 2 | Japan and the World |
HIST2707 | 2 | The Anatomy of a Super Power: the US since 1945 |
and 2 units for compulsory capstone course -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
WRIT3613 | 2 | History in Action |
Single Major
16 units consisting of:
4 units for compulsory gateway courses -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
ANTH1008 | 2 | Being Human: Cultural Diversity and Experience |
ANTH1030 | 2 | Anthropology of Current World Issues |
and 4 units for compulsory cornerstone courses -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
ANTH2010 | 2 | Critical Anthropology & Indigenous Australians |
ANTH2020 | 2 | Theory and Society in the Pacific |
and 2 units from -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
ANTH2018 | 2 | Consumption & Material Culture |
ANTH2060 | 2 | Ecology, Culture, and Field Research |
ANTH2250 | 2 | Medical Anthropology: Local and Global Perspectives |
ANTH2260 | 2 | Applied Anthropology and Indigenous Territories |
ANTH2270 | 2 | Migration, Culture and Identity |
SOSC2190 | 2 | Human Bodies, Culture & Society |
Single Major
16 units consisting of:
4 units for compulsory gateway courses -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
ARCA1000 | 2 | Discovering Archaeology |
ARCS1001 | 2 | Doing Archaeology |
and 2 units for compulsory cornerstone course -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
ARCS2000 | 2 | Science in Archaeology |
and 2 units from -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
ANTH2018 | 2 | Consumption & Material Culture |
ARCA2020 | 2 | Australasian Archaeology |
ARCA2150 | 2 | Ancient Civilisations: Archaeology of Mesopotamia, Turkey and The Levant before Alexander the Great |
ARCS2003 | 2 | Forensics: The Archaeology of Death & Crime Scenes |
ARCS2010 | 2 | Ancient Technologies: Experimental and Analytical Approaches to Understanding Past Technologies |
ARCS2025 | 2 | Archaeology of the Pacific Islands |
ARCS2050 | 2 | Historical Archaeology |
And 2 units from -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
ARCS2011 | 2 | Lithic Analysis: Current and Future Directions for Research and Heritage Management |
ARCS2070 | 2 | Bioarchaeology: Human remains and ancient disease |
ARCS2080 | 2 | Plants and Archaeology: Food, fuel, foraging and farming in the human past |
ARCS2090 | 2 | Animals and Archaeology: Analytical approaches to understanding past human-animal relationships |
Art History
Single Major
16 units consisting of:
4 units for compulsory gateway courses -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
ARTT1105 | 2 | Art in the Modern World |
ARTT1106 | 2 | Looking at Art |
and 2 units for compulsory cornerstone course -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
ARTT2103 | 2 | Australia Pacific Indigenous Arts |
and 6 units from -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
ARTT2102 | 2 | Renaissance Art |
ARTT2105 | 2 | Baroque and Beyond, 1600-1900 |
ARTT2107 | 2 | Asian Contemporary Art |
ARTT2127 | 2 | Australian Art |
ARTT3117 | 2 | Visual Arts Curating and Writing |
MSTU2140 | 2 | Studies in Photography |
Single Majors
Stream A (Beginners)
16 units consisting of:
4 units for compulsory gateway courses -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
CHIN1100 | 2 | Spoken Chinese IA |
CHIN1200 | 2 | Written Chinese IA |
and 4 units for compulsory cornerstone courses -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
CHIN2100 | 2 | Spoken Chinese IB |
CHIN2200 | 2 | Written Chinese IB |
and 4 units for -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
CHIN2110 | 2 | Spoken Chinese IIA |
CHIN3001 | 2 | Written Chinese IIA |
and 4 units for compulsory capstone courses -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
CHIN3010 | 2 | Spoken Chinese IIB |
CHIN3020 | 2 | Written Chinese IIB |
Stream B (Intermediate)
16 units consisting of:
4 units for compulsory gateway courses -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
CHIN2110 | 2 | Spoken Chinese IIA |
CHIN3001 | 2 | Written Chinese IIA |
and 4 units for compulsory cornerstone courses -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
CHIN3010 | 2 | Spoken Chinese IIB |
CHIN3020 | 2 | Written Chinese IIB |
and 4 units for -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
CHIN3100 | 2 | Spoken Chinese IIIA |
CHIN3200 | 2 | Written Chinese IIIA |
and 4 units for compulsory capstone courses -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
CHIN3110 | 2 | Spoken Chinese IIIB |
CHIN3210 | 2 | Written Chinese IIIB |
Stream C (Advanced)
16 units consisting of:
4 units for compulsory gateway courses -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
CHIN3200 | 2 | Written Chinese IIIA |
CHIN3210 | 2 | Written Chinese IIIB |
and 2 units for compulsory cornerstone course -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
CHIN3300 | 2 | Chinese>English Translation for Non - Native Speakers |
and 8 units from -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
COMU1002 | 2 | Communicating Across Cultures: Theory and Practice |
CHIN2555 | 2 | English and Chinese Interpreting 1 |
CHIN3555 | 2 | English and Chinese Interpreting 2 |
HIST2100 | 2 | China: From Empire to Republic, 1500-1951 |
HIST2101 | 2 | Contemporary China: The People's Republic, Hong Kong & Taiwan since 1949 |
LTCS3002 | 2 | Translating & Interpreting Studies |
SLAT2001 | 2 | Second Language Learning |
SLAT2002 | 2 | Language in the Digital World |
and 2 units for compulsory capstone course -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
CHIN3900 | 2 | Techniques in Teaching Chinese as a Second Language |
Stream D (Teaching Chinese as a Second Language)
16 units consisting of:
2 units for compulsory gateway course -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
COMU1002 | 2 | Communicating Across Cultures: Theory and Practice |
and 6 units for compulsory cornerstone course -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
CHIN2600 | 2 | Chinese for Native Speakers: Essentials of Chinese Language |
SLAT2001 | 2 | Second Language Learning |
SLAT2002 | 2 | Language in the Digital World |
and 4 units from (at least 2 units must be at level 2) -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
CHIN2700 | 2 | Chinese > English Translation: An Introductory Course |
CHIN2750 | 2 | Fundamentals in English > Chinese Translation |
HIST2100 | 2 | China: From Empire to Republic, 1500-1951 |
HIST2101 | 2 | Contemporary China: The People's Republic, Hong Kong & Taiwan since 1949 |
WRIT1001 | 2 | Writing for International Students |
and 2 units for compulsory capstone course -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
CHIN3900 | 2 | Techniques in Teaching Chinese as a Second Language |
Chinese Translation and Interpreting
Single Major
16 units consisting of:
4 units for compulsory gateway courses -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
CHIN2700 | 2 | Chinese > English Translation: An Introductory Course |
CHIN2750 | 2 | Fundamentals in English > Chinese Translation |
and 2 units from -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
COMU1002 | 2 | Communicating Across Cultures: Theory and Practice |
LING1000 | 2 | The Secret Life of Language: Words and Sentences |
WRIT1001 | 2 | Writing for International Students |
and 2 units for compulsory cornerstone course -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
CHIN2600 | 2 | Chinese for Native Speakers: Essentials of Chinese Language |
Classical Languages
Single Major
Stream A (Greek)
16 units consisting of:
2 units for compulsory gateway course -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
GREK1110 | 2 | Introductory Greek |
and 2 units for compulsory cornerstone course -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
GREK2120 | 2 | Intermediate Greek |
and 4 units for compulsory courses -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
GREK2230 | 2 | Greek Language and Literature 1 |
GREK2240 | 2 | Greek Language & Literature 2 |
and 4 units for compulsory capstone courses -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
GREK3001 | 2 | Advanced Greek 1 |
GREK3002 | 2 | Advanced Greek 2 |
and 4 units from -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
ANCH2030 | 2 | Myth, Magic and Religion in the Ancient World |
ANCH2040 | 2 | The World of Classical Athens: Politics and Society |
ANCH2050 | 2 | Ancient World Study Tour: Sites and Museums |
ANCH2070 | 2 | Study Tour: Sites and Museums of Roman Italy |
ANCH2130 | 2 | Alexander the Great and the Hellenistic World |
ANCH2230 | 2 | The Roman Empire: Politics and Society |
ANCH2250 | 2 | The Career and Influence of Julius Caesar |
ANCH2270 | 2 | Art & Archaeology of Ancient Rome |
ANCH2280 | 2 | Roman Society & Civilisation |
ANCH2290 | 2 | Art & Archaeology of Ancient Greece |
ANCH2310 | 2 | Individuals and the State in the Roman Republic |
ANCH2431 | 2 | The World of Late Antiquity |
ANCH2500 | 2 | Ancient History and Modern Cinema |
ANCH2900 | 2 | R.D. Milns Antiquities Museum International Internship and Field |
ANCH3020 | 2 | Special Topic in Greek History |
ANCH3030 | 2 | Special Topic in Roman History |
DRAM2090 | 2 | Ancient Greek and Roman Theatre |
LATN1110 | 2 | Introductory Latin |
LATN2120 | 2 | Intermediate Latin |
LATN2230 | 2 | Latin Language and Literature 1 |
LATN2240 | 2 | Latin Language & Literature 2 |
LATN3001 | 2 | Advanced Latin 1 |
LATN3002 | 2 | Advanced Latin 2 |
WRIT3100 | 2 | Writing Ancient History |
Stream B (Latin)
16 units consisting of:
2 units for compulsory gateway course -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
LATN1110 | 2 | Introductory Latin |
and 2 units for compulsory cornerstone course -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
LATN2120 | 2 | Intermediate Latin |
and 4 units for compulsory courses -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
LATN2230 | 2 | Latin Language and Literature 1 |
LATN2240 | 2 | Latin Language & Literature 2 |
and 4 units for compulsory capstone courses -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
LATN3001 | 2 | Advanced Latin 1 |
LATN3002 | 2 | Advanced Latin 2 |
and 4 units from -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
ANCH2030 | 2 | Myth, Magic and Religion in the Ancient World |
ANCH2040 | 2 | The World of Classical Athens: Politics and Society |
ANCH2050 | 2 | Ancient World Study Tour: Sites and Museums |
ANCH2070 | 2 | Study Tour: Sites and Museums of Roman Italy |
ANCH2130 | 2 | Alexander the Great and the Hellenistic World |
ANCH2230 | 2 | The Roman Empire: Politics and Society |
ANCH2250 | 2 | The Career and Influence of Julius Caesar |
ANCH2270 | 2 | Art & Archaeology of Ancient Rome |
ANCH2280 | 2 | Roman Society & Civilisation |
ANCH2290 | 2 | Art & Archaeology of Ancient Greece |
ANCH2310 | 2 | Individuals and the State in the Roman Republic |
ANCH2431 | 2 | The World of Late Antiquity |
ANCH2500 | 2 | Ancient History and Modern Cinema |
ANCH2900 | 2 | R.D. Milns Antiquities Museum International Internship and Field |
ANCH3020 | 2 | Special Topic in Greek History |
ANCH3030 | 2 | Special Topic in Roman History |
DRAM2090 | 2 | Ancient Greek and Roman Theatre |
GREK1110 | 2 | Introductory Greek |
GREK2120 | 2 | Intermediate Greek |
GREK2230 | 2 | Greek Language and Literature 1 |
GREK2240 | 2 | Greek Language & Literature 2 |
GREK3001 | 2 | Advanced Greek 1 |
GREK3002 | 2 | Advanced Greek 2 |
WRIT3100 | 2 | Writing Ancient History |
Single Major
16 units consisting of:
4 units for compulsory gateway courses -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
CRIM1000 | 2 | Introduction to Criminology |
CRIM1019 | 2 | Introduction to Criminal Justice |
and 2 units for compulsory cornerstone course -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
CRIM2300 | 2 | Comparative Criminology |
and 6 units for -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
SOCY2019 | 2 | Introduction to social research |
SOCY2339 | 2 | Introducing Quantitative Research |
SOCY3329 | 2 | Qualitative Social Research |
and 2 units from -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
CRIM3100 | 2 | Correctional Practice |
CRIM3120 | 2 | Crime Prevention Practice |
SOCY3039 | 2 | Applied Quantitative Research |
and 2 units for compulsory capstone course -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
CRIM3039 | 2 | Advanced Criminological Theory |
Single Major
16 units consisting of:
4 units for compulsory gateway courses -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
DRAM1010 | 2 | Elements of Performance |
DRAM1100 | 2 | The Theatre Experience |
and 2 units for compulsory cornerstone course -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
DRAM2030 | 2 | Experimentation in 20th Century Theatre |
and 4 units to 6 units from -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
DRAM2025 | 2 | Major Movements in European Theatre (1500-1800) |
DRAM2040 | 2 | Contemporary Theatre & Performance |
DRAM2050 | 2 | Australian Drama |
DRAM2200 | 2 | Live Theatre Production: Performance Creation & Event Management |
and 2 units for compulsory capstone course -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
DRAM3103 | 2 | Theatre Historiography: Making the Connections |
Single Major
16 units consisting of:
4 units for compulsory gateway courses -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
ECON1010 | 2 | Introductory Microeconomics |
ECON1020 | 2 | Introductory Macroeconomics |
and 4 units for compulsory cornerstone courses -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
ECON2410 | 2 | Economics of Business Strategy |
[ ECON2420 | 2 | The Macroeconomy & Business Conditions |
[ or | ||
[ ECON2020 | 2 | Macroeconomic Theory |
and 2 units to 4 units from -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
ECON2060 | 2 | Behavioural and Evolutionary Economics |
ECON2070 | 2 | Introduction to Strategic Thinking |
ECON2200 | 2 | Management of Financial Institutions [1] |
ECON2500 | 2 | China: Emergence, Implications & Challenges |
ECON2540 | 2 | Economics of Innovation and Entrepreneurship |
ECON2560 | 2 | Economics of Globalisation and Development |
ECON2800 | 2 | Labour Economics |
POLS2401 | 2 | Politics & the Economy |
and 2 units for compulsory capstone course -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
ECON3600 | 2 | Australian Economic History |
and 2 units to 4 units from -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
ECON3210 | 2 | Financial Markets & Institutions [2] |
ECON3220 | 2 | Benefit-Cost Analysis for Business |
ECON3540 | 2 | Evolution of Economic Systems |
ECON3700 | 2 | Environmental Economics |
ECON3820 | 2 | Understanding China |
Single Major
16 units consisting of:
2 units for compulsory gateway course -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
ENGL1500 | 2 | Contemporary Literature: Reading & Writing |
and 2 units from -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
ENGL1800 | 2 | Literary Classics: Texts and Traditions |
MSTU1001 | 2 | Introduction to Film & Television Studies |
and 2 units for compulsory cornerstone course -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
WRIT2250 | 2 | Writing: Grammar, Syntax, and Style |
and 2 units to 4 units from -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
ENGL2040 | 2 | Gothic Fiction |
ENGL2060 | 2 | Shakespeare and His Contemporaries |
ENGL2065 | 2 | Jane Austen and her Influence |
ENGL2440 | 2 | The Novel: Realism, History, Fiction |
ENGL2460 | 2 | Poetry: Tradition and Revolution |
and 2 units to 4 units from -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
AUST2000 | 2 | Australian Popular Culture |
MSTU2005 | 2 | Film Movements & Genres |
MSTU2006 | 2 | Australian Cinema |
WRIT2050 | 2 | Creative Writing: Genre Fiction |
and 2 units for compulsory capstone course -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
ENGL3030 | 2 | Adaptation: Studies in Transmission Between Cultures and Forms |
English as an International Language
Single Major
16 units consisting of:
2 units for compulsory gateway course
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
COMU1002 | 2 | Communicating Across Cultures: Theory and Practice |
And 2 units from -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
LING1000 | 2 | The Secret Life of Language: Words and Sentences |
WRIT1001 | 2 | Writing for International Students |
2 units for compulsory cornerstone course
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
COMU2040 | 2 | Language Awareness & Cross-Cultural Competence for the Global Workplace |
And 4 to 6 units from -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
HUMN2500 | 2 | Collaborations: Relating and Working Together |
LING2110 | 2 | English Through Time and Space |
SLAT2001 | 2 | Second Language Learning |
WRIT2250 | 2 | Writing: Grammar, Syntax, and Style |
2 units for compulsory capstone course
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
COMU3010 | 2 | Language and Globalisation: Advanced Intercultural Communication |
English Literature
Single Major
16 units consisting of:
2 units for compulsory gateway course -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
ENGL1800 | 2 | Literary Classics: Texts and Traditions |
and 2 units from -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
ENGL1500 | 2 | Contemporary Literature: Reading & Writing |
ENGL1900 | 2 | The Birth of the Modern: Literature and Thought from 1850 to 1960 |
and 2 units for compulsory cornerstone course -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
ENGL2405 | 2 | Thinking about Literature: Criticism and Theory |
and 4 units to 6 units from -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
ENGL2040 | 2 | Gothic Fiction |
ENGL2060 | 2 | Shakespeare and His Contemporaries |
ENGL2065 | 2 | Jane Austen and her Influence |
ENGL2070 | 2 | Contemporary British and American Fiction: Ethics, Politics,and Literature |
ENGL2440 | 2 | The Novel: Realism, History, Fiction |
ENGL2460 | 2 | Poetry: Tradition and Revolution |
and 2 units for compulsory capstone course -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
ENGL3100 | 2 | Australian Literature |
Film and Television Studies
Single Major
16 units consisting of:
2 units for compulsory gateway course -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
MSTU1001 | 2 | Introduction to Film & Television Studies |
and 2 units from -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
COMU1140 | 2 | Multimedia |
COMU1120 | 2 | Media and Society |
and 2 units for compulsory cornerstone course -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
MSTU2160 | 2 | Film and Television History |
and 4 units to 6 units from -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
MSTU2005 | 2 | Film Movements & Genres |
MSTU2006 | 2 | Australian Cinema |
MSTU2008 | 2 | Television: Forms and Genres |
which may include 2 units from -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
MSTU2011 | 2 | Contemporary German Cinema |
WRIT2120 | 2 | Creative Writing: Screenwriting |
and 2 units for compulsory capstone course -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
MSTU3005 | 2 | Critical Concepts in Film & Television |
Single Majors
Stream A (Beginners)
16 units consisting of:
4 units for compulsory gateway courses -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
FREN1010 | 2 | Introductory French 1 |
FREN1020 | 2 | Introductory French 2 |
and 4 units for cornerstone compulsory courses -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
FREN2010 | 2 | Intermediate French 1 |
FREN2020 | 2 | Intermediate French 2 |
and 2 units to 4 unit from -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
LTCS2024 | 2 | Francophone Cultures |
MSTU2012 | 2 | European Film Today |
SLAT2001 | 2 | Second Language Learning |
SLAT2002 | 2 | Language in the Digital World |
FREN3113 | 2 | French Language and Culture 2 |
FREN3114 | 2 | French Language and Culture 3 |
FREN3115 | 2 | French Language and Culture 4 |
FREN3116 | 2 | French Language and Culture 5 |
FREN3210 | 2 | Textes et Modernite |
FREN3310 | 2 | French>English Translation |
FREN3330 | 2 | French for Business |
FREN3350 | 2 | Litterature contemporaine: Contemporary Literature in French |
FREN3375 | 2 | Teaching and Learning French |
FREN3910 | 2 | French Study Project |
LTCS3002 | 2 | Translating & Interpreting Studies |
and 2 units for compulsory capstone course -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
FREN3111 | 2 | French Language and Culture 1: Streams A and B |
and 2 units to 4 units from -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
FREN3360 | 2 | Le Cinema en francais |
FREN3380 | 2 | Identites francaises et francophones |
Stream B (Intermediate)
16 units consisting of:
4 units for compulsory gateway courses -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
FREN2010 | 2 | Intermediate French 1 |
FREN2020 | 2 | Intermediate French 2 |
and 4 units for compulsory cornerstone courses -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
FREN3111 | 2 | French Language and Culture 1: Streams A and B |
FREN3113 | 2 | French Language and Culture 2 |
and 2 units to 4 units from -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
LTCS2024 | 2 | Francophone Cultures |
MSTU2012 | 2 | European Film Today |
SLAT2001 | 2 | Second Language Learning |
SLAT2002 | 2 | Language in the Digital World |
FREN3115 | 2 | French Language and Culture 4 |
FREN3116 | 2 | French Language and Culture 5 |
FREN3210 | 2 | Textes et Modernite |
FREN3310 | 2 | French>English Translation |
FREN3330 | 2 | French for Business |
FREN3350 | 2 | Litterature contemporaine: Contemporary Literature in French |
FREN3375 | 2 | Teaching and Learning French |
FREN3910 | 2 | French Study Project |
LTCS3002 | 2 | Translating & Interpreting Studies |
and 2 units for compulsory capstone course -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
FREN3114 | 2 | French Language and Culture 3 |
and 2 units to 4 units from -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
FREN3360 | 2 | Le Cinema en francais |
FREN3380 | 2 | Identites francaises et francophones |
Stream C (Continuing)
16 units consisting of:
4 units for compulsory gateway courses -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
FREN3112 | 2 | French Language and Culture 1: Post-secondary |
FREN3113 | 2 | French Language and Culture 2 |
and 4 units for compulsory cornerstone courses -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
FREN3114 | 2 | French Language and Culture 3 |
FREN3115 | 2 | French Language and Culture 4 |
which may include up to 4 units from -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
LTCS2024 | 2 | Francophone Cultures |
MSTU2012 | 2 | European Film Today |
SLAT2001 | 2 | Second Language Learning |
SLAT2002 | 2 | Language in the Digital World |
FREN3310 | 2 | French>English Translation |
FREN3330 | 2 | French for Business |
FREN3360 | 2 | Le Cinema en francais |
FREN3380 | 2 | Identites francaises et francophones |
FREN3910 | 2 | French Study Project |
LTCS3002 | 2 | Translating & Interpreting Studies |
and 2 units for compulsory capstone course -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
FREN3116 | 2 | French Language and Culture 5 |
and 2 units to 6 units from -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
FREN3210 | 2 | Textes et Modernite |
FREN3350 | 2 | Litterature contemporaine: Contemporary Literature in French |
FREN3375 | 2 | Teaching and Learning French |
Stream D (Advanced)
16 units consisting of:
4 units for compulsory gateway courses -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
FREN3114 | 2 | French Language and Culture 3 |
FREN3115 | 2 | French Language and Culture 4 |
and 2 units for compulsory cornerstone course -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
FREN3116 | 2 | French Language and Culture 5 |
and 2 to 6 units from -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
LTCS2024 | 2 | Francophone Cultures |
MSTU2012 | 2 | European Film Today |
SLAT2001 | 2 | Second Language Learning |
SLAT2002 | 2 | Language in the Digital World |
FREN3310 | 2 | French>English Translation |
FREN3330 | 2 | French for Business |
FREN3360 | 2 | Le Cinema en francais |
FREN3380 | 2 | Identites francaises et francophones |
LTCS3002 | 2 | Translating & Interpreting Studies |
and 2 units for compulsory capstone course -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
FREN3910 | 2 | French Study Project |
Gender Studies
8 units consisting of:
2 units for compulsory gateway course -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
GEND1010 | 2 | Gender Matters |
and 2 units for compulsory cornerstone course -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
GEND2001 | 2 | Genders & Cultures: Comparative Perspectives on Race and Ethnicity |
and 2 units for -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
GEND3001 | 2 | Gender Futures: Research in Action |
and 2 units from -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
ABTS2010 | 2 | Indigenous Women and Men: Gendered Business |
ENGL3500 | 2 | Gender and Textuality |
HIST2030 | 2 | History of Medicine, Science and the Body |
HIST2603 | 2 | The History of Sexuality |
PHIL2190 | 2 | Feminist Philosophy |
POLS2603 | 2 | Gender and Global Politics |
SOCY1060 | 2 | Gender, Sexuality and Society: An Introduction |
Single Major
16 units consisting of:
2 units for compulsory gateway course -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
GEOS1100 | 2 | Environment & Society |
and 2 units from -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
GEOG1000 | 2 | Human Settlements |
GEOM1000 | 2 | Fundamentals of Geographic Information and Technologies |
and 2 units for compulsory cornerstone course -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
GEOS2105 | 2 | Geography of Australia |
and 6 units from -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
CONS3017 | 2 | Landscape Ecology |
ENVM2203 | 2 | Environmental Impact Assessment |
ENVM3115 | 2 | Climate Change and Environmental Management |
ENVM3200 | 2 | Coastal Processes & Management |
ENVM3201 | 2 | Catchment Processes & Management |
ENVM3215 | 2 | People, Fire and Environment |
ENVM3220 | 2 | Resource Management & Planning |
ENVM3400 | 2 | International Experience Field Studies |
GEOG2000 | 2 | Economic Geography: Location and Land Use |
GEOG2001 | 2 | Human Mobility and Migration |
GEOG2104 | 2 | Urban Geography |
GEOG2205 | 2 | Global Population Issues |
GEOG3000 | 2 | Regional Economic Development Planning |
GEOG3003 | 2 | The Global Metropolis |
GEOG3205 | 2 | Applied Demography |
GEOM2000 | 2 | Introduction to Earth Observation Sciences (EOS) |
GEOM2001 | 2 | Geographical Information Systems |
GEOM3001 | 2 | Advanced Earth Observation Sciences (EOS) |
GEOM3002 | 2 | Advanced Geographical Information Systems |
GEOM3005 | 2 | Geospatial Processing and Web Mapping |
GEOS2100 | 2 | Environmental Systems |
GEOS2101 | 2 | Climatology & Hydrology |
GEOS2103 | 2 | Biogeography & Geomorphology |
GEOS2110 | 2 | Tectonics of Active Plate Boundaries |
GEOS3004 | 2 | International Field Studies: Natural & Built Environments of a Selected Region |
GEOS3106 | 2 | Environmental Hazards |
GEOS3400 | 2 | Research Topic |
MARS3012 | 2 | Physical-biological Oceanography |
PLAN3202 | 2 | Property Development |
Single Majors
Stream A (Beginners)
16 units consisting of:
4 units for compulsory gateway courses -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
GRMN1010 | 2 | Introductory German Language 1 |
GRMN1020 | 2 | Introductory German Language 2 |
and 4 units for compulsory cornerstone courses -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
GRMN2010 | 2 | Continuing German Language 1 |
GRMN2020 | 2 | Continuing German Language 2 |
and 4 units from -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
GRMN2030 | 2 | Advanced Conversational German |
GRMN2130 | 2 | Translation from German - Theory & Practice |
GRMN2330 | 2 | Inside Germany - Contemporary German Cultures |
LTCS2018 | 2 | Books the Nazis Burned: German Literature & Society 1914-1945 |
MSTU2011 | 2 | Contemporary German Cinema |
MSTU2012 | 2 | European Film Today |
GRMN3110 | 2 | Advanced German Language 3 |
GRMN3120 | 2 | Advanced German Language 4 |
and 4 units for compulsory capstone courses -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
GRMN3010 | 2 | Advanced German Language 1 |
GRMN3020 | 2 | Advanced German Language 2 |
Stream B (Intermediate)
16 units consisting of:
4 units for compulsory gateway courses -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
GRMN2010 | 2 | Continuing German Language 1 |
GRMN2020 | 2 | Continuing German Language 2 |
and 4 units for compulsory cornerstone courses -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
GRMN3010 | 2 | Advanced German Language 1 |
GRMN3020 | 2 | Advanced German Language 2 |
and 4 units from -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
GRMN2030 | 2 | Advanced Conversational German |
GRMN2130 | 2 | Translation from German - Theory & Practice |
GRMN2330 | 2 | Inside Germany - Contemporary German Cultures |
GRMN3330 | 2 | Advanced Special Topics in German Studies |
LTCS2018 | 2 | Books the Nazis Burned: German Literature & Society 1914-1945 |
MSTU2011 | 2 | Contemporary German Cinema |
MSTU2012 | 2 | European Film Today |
Single Major
16 units consisting of:
2 units for compulsory gateway course -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
HIST1601 | 2 | Turning Points in World History |
and 2 units from -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
HIST1201 | 2 | The Australian Experience |
HIST1400 | 2 | The Medieval and Early Modern World |
and 2 units for compulsory cornerstone course -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
HIST2312 | 2 | The History Makers |
and 4 units to 6 units from -
History of Asia and the Middle East
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
HIST2100 | 2 | China: From Empire to Republic, 1500-1951 |
HIST2101 | 2 | Contemporary China: The People's Republic, Hong Kong & Taiwan since 1949 |
HIST2107 | 2 | The Modern Middle East |
HIST2119 | 2 | Modern Southeast Asia: Freedom, Power and the State |
HIST2140 | 2 | Indian History and Religion Study Tour |
RELN2300 | 2 | Rituals, Priests & Kings: A History of Hinduism |
HIST2619 | 2 | Japan and the World |
Making Europe: Medieval and Early Modern History
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
HIST2013 | 2 | Medieval Study Tour |
HIST2411 | 2 | Witchcraft & Demonology in Early Modern Europe & Its Colonies |
HIST2412 | 2 | The British Isles: 1500-1700 |
HIST2416 | 2 | Medieval Heresy |
HIST2615 | 2 | Age of Crusades |
RELN2411 | 2 | Western Religious Thought from the Middle Ages to the Present |
Western Modernity: the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
HIST2211 | 2 | America in Film |
HIST2245 | 2 | Australians at War |
HIST2247 | 2 | The Making of Modern Australia: Society & Culture since 1901 |
HIST2407 | 2 | Germany from Bismarck to Hitler (1870-1933) |
HIST2408 | 2 | Germany from Hitler to Reunification (1933-1991) |
HIST2414 | 2 | The Radical Right & Fascism in Europe |
HIST2417 | 2 | Imperial Britain: Crisis and Conflict, 1815-1945 |
HIST2707 | 2 | The Anatomy of a Super Power: the US since 1945 |
Themes in World History
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
HIST2030 | 2 | History of Medicine, Science and the Body |
HIST2603 | 2 | The History of Sexuality |
and 2 units for compulsory capstone course -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
WRIT3613 | 2 | History in Action |
Single Major
Stream A (Beginners)
16 units consisting of:
4 units for compulsory gateway courses -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
INDN1000 | 2 | Introductory Indonesian A |
INDN1001 | 2 | Introductory Indonesian B |
and 4 units for compulsory cornerstone courses -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
INDN2000 | 2 | Intermediate Indonesian A |
INDN2001 | 2 | Intermediate Indonesian B |
and 2 units for compulsory capstone course -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
INDN3002 | 2 | Indonesian Contemporary Culture |
and 2 units for -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
INDN3000 | 2 | Advanced Indonesian |
and 4 units from -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
COMU3010 | 2 | Language and Globalisation: Advanced Intercultural Communication |
INDN3006 | 2 | Indonesian Studies Project |
LTCS2401 | 2 | Indonesia and its Neighbours: Evolving in the Asian Century |
Stream B (Intermediate)
16 units consisting of:
4 units for compulsory gateway courses -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
INDN2000 | 2 | Intermediate Indonesian A |
INDN2001 | 2 | Intermediate Indonesian B |
and 2 units for compulsory cornerstone course -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
INDN3000 | 2 | Advanced Indonesian |
and 2 to 4 units from -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
HIST2119 | 2 | Modern Southeast Asia: Freedom, Power and the State |
LTCS3002 | 2 | Translating & Interpreting Studies |
RELN2300 | 2 | Rituals, Priests & Kings: A History of Hinduism |
SLAT2001 | 2 | Second Language Learning |
SLAT2002 | 2 | Language in the Digital World |
and 2 units for compulsory capstone course -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
INDN3002 | 2 | Indonesian Contemporary Culture |
International Relations
Single Major
16 units consisting of:
2 units for compulsory gateway course -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
POLS1201 | 2 | Introduction to International Relations |
and 2 units from -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
POLS1301 | 2 | Introduction to Political Ideas |
POLS1701 | 2 | Introduction to International Inequality & Development |
and 2 units for compulsory cornerstone course -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
POLS2409 | 2 | International Relations of the Twentieth Century |
and 2 units to 6 units from -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
POLS2209 | 2 | Global Security |
POLS2211 | 2 | International Organisations & Political Cooperation |
POLS2402 | 2 | Globalisation & International Political Economy |
which may include up to 4 units from -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
POLS2201 | 2 | Australian Foreign Policy |
POLS2204 | 2 | International Relations of East Asia |
POLS2207 | 2 | Terrorism & Insurgency in World Politics |
POLS2217 | 2 | European Political Issues |
POLS2222 | 2 | Humanitarianism in World Politics |
POLS2224 | 2 | Culture and World Politics |
POLS2404 | 2 | The Political Dynamics of Development and Resistance |
POLS2603 | 2 | Gender and Global Politics |
POLS2703 | 2 | Principles of Research: Social and Comparative Perspectives |
POLS3802 | 2 | Independent Study |
and 2 units for compulsory capstone course -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
POLS3208 | 2 | Conceptions of World Politics |
and 2 units to 6 units from -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
POLS3115 | 2 | Environmental Politics & Policy |
POLS3203 | 2 | Power and Order in Transnational Politics |
POLS3206 | 2 | Policy Challenges of Asia-Pacific Security |
POLS3502 | 2 | Ethics in International Politics |
POLS3512 | 2 | Global Media, War and Peace |
POLS3801 | 2 | Internship |
POLS3807 | 2 | Policy Practice |
Single Major
Stream A (Beginners)
16 units consisting of:
4 units for compulsory gateway courses -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
JAPN1011 | 2 | Foundational Japanese 1 |
JAPN1012 | 2 | Foundational Japanese 2 |
and 8 units for compulsory cornerstone courses -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
JAPN2021 | 2 | Foundational Japanese 3 |
JAPN2022 | 2 | Foundational Japanese 4 |
JAPN2101 | 2 | Continuing Japanese 1A |
JAPN3002 | 2 | Continuing Japanese 1B |
and 4 units for compulsory capstone courses -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
JAPN3003 | 2 | Continuing Japanese 2A |
JAPN3004 | 2 | Continuing Japanese 2B |
Stream B (Intermediate)
16 units consisting of:
4 units for compulsory gateway courses -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
JAPN2101 | 2 | Continuing Japanese 1A |
JAPN3003 | 2 | Continuing Japanese 2A |
and 4 units for compulsory cornerstone courses -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
JAPN3101 | 2 | Continuing Japanese 3 |
JAPN3102 | 2 | Continuing Japanese 4 |
and up to 4 units from -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
JAPN3002 | 2 | Continuing Japanese 1B |
JAPN3004 | 2 | Continuing Japanese 2B |
JAPN3110 | 2 | Voices from Japan |
JAPN3130 | 2 | Anime Japanese |
JAPN3140 | 2 | Japanese Rapid Reading and Creative Writing |
and 2 units for compulsory capstone courses -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
JAPN3500 | 2 | Language and Society in Japan |
and 2 to 6 units from -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
JAPN3205 | 2 | Teaching Japanese Language |
JAPN3209 | 2 | Introduction to Japanese Linguistics |
JAPN3299 | 2 | Japanese/English Interpreting and Translation |
Stream C (Advanced)
16 units consisting of:
4 units for compulsory gateway courses -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
JAPN3101 | 2 | Continuing Japanese 3 |
JAPN3102 | 2 | Continuing Japanese 4 |
and 4 units for compulsory cornerstone courses -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
JAPN3110 | 2 | Voices from Japan |
JAPN3140 | 2 | Japanese Rapid Reading and Creative Writing |
and 6 units from -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
JAPN3205 | 2 | Teaching Japanese Language |
JAPN3209 | 2 | Introduction to Japanese Linguistics |
JAPN3210 | 2 | Japanese Language in Context |
JAPN3299 | 2 | Japanese/English Interpreting and Translation |
and 2 units for compulsory capstone course -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
JAPN3500 | 2 | Language and Society in Japan |
Stream D (Proficient)
16 units consisting of:
4 units for compulsory gateway courses -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
JAPN3210 | 2 | Japanese Language in Context |
LTCS3002 | 2 | Translating & Interpreting Studies |
and 2 units for compulsory cornerstone courses -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
JAPN3500 | 2 | Language and Society in Japan |
and 8 units from -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
LTCS2006 | 2 | Japanese Popular Culture |
JAPN3205 | 2 | Teaching Japanese Language |
JAPN3209 | 2 | Introduction to Japanese Linguistics |
JAPN3299 | 2 | Japanese/English Interpreting and Translation |
and 2 units for compulsory capstone course -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
LTCS3007 | 2 | Japanese Studies Individual Project |
Journalism and Mass Communication
Single Major
16 units consisting of:
4 units for compulsory gateway courses -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
COMU1120 | 2 | Media and Society |
JOUR1112 | 2 | Journalistic Narratives |
and 4 units for compulsory cornerstone courses -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
JOUR2221 | 2 | International Journalism & Mass Communication |
COMU2160 | 2 | Communication Law and Ethics |
and 2 units to 4 units from -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
COMU1050 | 2 | Understanding the News |
COMU2030 | 2 | Communication Research Methods |
COMU2170 | 2 | Intercultural Communication |
JOUR2100 | 2 | Social Justice Storytelling |
and 2 to 4 units from -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
COMU3110 | 2 | Media Platforms |
COMU3120 | 2 | Digital Analytics |
and 2 units for compulsory capstone course -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
JOUR3401 | 2 | Journalism Project |
Single Major
Stream A (Beginners)
16 units consisting of:
4 units for compulsory gateway courses -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
KORN1010 | 2 | Spoken Korean IA |
KORN1011 | 2 | Written Korean IA |
and 6 units for compulsory cornerstone course -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
KORN2101 | 2 | Spoken Korean IIA |
KORN2020 | 2 | Spoken Korean IB |
KORN2022 | 2 | Written Korean IB |
which may include 2 units from -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
KORN2003 | 2 | Written Korean II A |
LTCS2023 | 2 | Korean Popular Culture: Korean wave |
and 2 units for compulsory capstone course -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
KORN3010 | 2 | Spoken Korean IIB |
and 2 units to 4 units from -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
KORN3011 | 2 | Written Korean IIB |
KORN3101 | 2 | Advanced Korean I |
KORN3201 | 2 | Advanced Korean II |
Stream B (Intermediate)
16 units consisting of:
4 units for compulsory gateway courses -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
KORN2101 | 2 | Spoken Korean IIA |
KORN2003 | 2 | Written Korean II A |
and 2 units for compulsory cornerstone course -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
KORN3010 | 2 | Spoken Korean IIB |
and 4 units for -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
KORN3011 | 2 | Written Korean IIB |
KORN3101 | 2 | Advanced Korean I |
and 4 units from -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
KORN2005 | 2 | Foundation in Korean Language and Culture |
KORN3112 | 2 | Korean-English Translation and Interpreting A |
KORN3212 | 2 | Korean-English Translation and Interpreting B |
MSTU3001 | 2 | Contemporary Korean Film and TV Drama Review |
and 2 units for compulsory capstone course -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
KORN3201 | 2 | Advanced Korean II |
Stream C (Advanced)
16 units consisting of:
4 units for compulsory gateway course -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
KORN3101 | 2 | Advanced Korean I |
KORN3201 | 2 | Advanced Korean II |
and 2 units for compulsory cornerstone course -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
KORN3220 | 2 | Korean for Korean Speakers and Advanced Non-Korean Speakers |
and 2 units for -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
KORN3212 | 2 | Korean-English Translation and Interpreting B |
and 6 units from -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
KORN2005 | 2 | Foundation in Korean Language and Culture |
KORN3112 | 2 | Korean-English Translation and Interpreting A |
LTCS2023 | 2 | Korean Popular Culture: Korean wave |
LTCS3002 | 2 | Translating & Interpreting Studies |
MSTU3001 | 2 | Contemporary Korean Film and TV Drama Review |
SLAT2001 | 2 | Second Language Learning |
and 2 units for compulsory capstone course -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
KORN3300 | 2 | Korean Study Project |
Latin American Studies
Single Major
16 units consisting of:
4 units for compulsory gateway courses -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
LING1000 | 2 | The Secret Life of Language: Words and Sentences |
LING1005 | 2 | The Sound Patterns of Language |
and 4 units for compulsory cornerstone courses -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
LING2010 | 2 | Phonology |
LING2045 | 2 | Generative Syntax |
and 2 units to 4 units from -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
LING2000 | 2 | Semantics |
LING2040 | 2 | Morphology |
up to 2 units from -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
LING2035 | 2 | Language & Society |
LING2055 | 2 | Pragmatics |
LING2110 | 2 | English Through Time and Space |
and 2 units for compulsory capstone course -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
LING3050 | 2 | Advanced Linguistics Research |
Single Major
Stream A
MATH1040 should be undertaken by those students who do not have Year 12 Math B and MATH1050 by those who do not have Year 12 Math C, as electives in the BA program.
16 units consisting of:
4 units for compulsory gateway courses -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
MATH1051 | 2 | Calculus & Linear Algebra I |
MATH1052 | 2 | Multivariate Calculus & Ordinary Differential Equations |
and 4 units for compulsory cornerstone courses -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
MATH2001 | 2 | Advanced Calculus & Linear Algebra II |
MATH2400 | 2 | Mathematical Analysis |
up to 4 units from -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
MATH1050 | 2 | Mathematical Foundations |
COSC2500 | 2 | Numerical Methods in Computational Science |
MATH2100 | 2 | Applied Mathematical Analysis |
STAT2003 | 2 | Mathematical Probability |
STAT2203 | 2 | Probability Models and Data Analysis for Engineering |
and 2 units for compulsory capstone course -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
MATH3401 | 2 | Complex Analysis |
and 2 units to 6 units from -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
MATH3090 | 2 | Financial Mathematics |
MATH3101 | 2 | Bifurcation & Chaos |
MATH3102 | 2 | Methods & Models of Applied Mathematics |
MATH3103 | 2 | Algebraic Methods of Mathematical Physics |
MATH3104 | 2 | Mathematical Biology |
MATH3201 | 2 | Scientific Computing: Advanced Techniques and Applications |
MATH3202 | 2 | Operations Research & Mathematical Planning |
MATH3402 | 2 | Functional Analysis |
MATH3403 | 2 | Partial Differential Equations |
MATH3404 | 2 | Optimisation Theory |
MATH3405 | 2 | Differential Geometry |
STAT3004 | 2 | Probability Models & Stochastic Processes |
Single Major
Stream B
16 units consisting of:
4 units for compulsory gateway courses -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
MATH1071 | 2 | Advanced Calculus & Linear Algebra I |
MATH1072 | 2 | Advanced Multivariate Calculus & Ordinary Differential Equations |
and 4 units for compulsory cornerstone courses -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
MATH2001 | 2 | Advanced Calculus & Linear Algebra II |
MATH2401 | 2 | Mathematical Analysis and Advanced Topics |
up to 4 units from -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
MATH1050 | 2 | Mathematical Foundations |
COSC2500 | 2 | Numerical Methods in Computational Science |
MATH2100 | 2 | Applied Mathematical Analysis |
STAT2003 | 2 | Mathematical Probability |
STAT2203 | 2 | Probability Models and Data Analysis for Engineering |
and 2 units for compulsory capstone course -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
MATH3401 | 2 | Complex Analysis |
and 2 units to 6 units from -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
MATH3090 | 2 | Financial Mathematics |
MATH3101 | 2 | Bifurcation & Chaos |
MATH3102 | 2 | Methods & Models of Applied Mathematics |
MATH3103 | 2 | Algebraic Methods of Mathematical Physics |
MATH3104 | 2 | Mathematical Biology |
MATH3201 | 2 | Scientific Computing: Advanced Techniques and Applications |
MATH3202 | 2 | Operations Research & Mathematical Planning |
MATH3402 | 2 | Functional Analysis |
MATH3403 | 2 | Partial Differential Equations |
MATH3404 | 2 | Optimisation Theory |
MATH3405 | 2 | Differential Geometry |
STAT3004 | 2 | Probability Models & Stochastic Processes |
Media and Digital Cultures
Single Major
16 units consisting of:
4 units for compulsory gateway courses -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
COMU1120 | 2 | Media and Society |
MSTU1001 | 2 | Introduction to Film & Television Studies |
2 units for compulsory cornerstone course -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
COMU2150 | 2 | Media and Identity |
and 2 units to 6 units from -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
COMU1050 | 2 | Understanding the News |
AUST2000 | 2 | Australian Popular Culture |
COMU2140 | 2 | Digital Media Industries |
COMU2311 | 2 | Communication for Social Change |
MSTU2008 | 2 | Television: Forms and Genres |
2 units for compulsory capstone course -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
COMU3005 | 2 | Media Cultures |
Single Major
MUSC1060 should be undertaken as an elective in the BA program by those students who do not have prior training in music theory and notation.
16 units consisting of:
4 units for compulsory gateway courses -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
MUSC1050 | 2 | Western Art Music 1700-1900: Approaches and Concepts |
MUSC1600 | 2 | Musicianship 1 |
and 4 units for compulsory cornerstone courses -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
MUSC2060 | 2 | Musicianship 2 |
MUSC2510 | 2 | Contemporary Art Music |
and 6 units (which must include at least 4 units at level 3) from -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
MUSC2010 | 2 | Music Technology for Live Performance |
MUSC2501 | 2 | Musicology and Early Music |
MUSC2810 | 2 | Indigenous Australian Music: Indigenous music-making in Australia |
MUSC3060 | 2 | Musicianship 3 |
MUSC3165 | 2 | Conducting |
MUSC3580 | 2 | Music Analysis and Criticism |
MUSC3840 | 2 | Multi-Instrumental Pedagogy |
and 2 units for compulsory capstone course -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
MUSC3890 | 2 | Creative Music Making |
Peace and Conflict Studies
Single Major
16 units consisting of:
2 units for compulsory gateway course -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
POLS1501 | 2 | Introduction to Peace & Conflict Analysis |
and 2 units from -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
POLS1301 | 2 | Introduction to Political Ideas |
POLS1701 | 2 | Introduction to International Inequality & Development |
and 2 units for compulsory cornerstone course -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
POLS2515 | 2 | Theories of Peace and Conflict Studies |
and 4 units to 6 units from -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
POLS2222 | 2 | Humanitarianism in World Politics |
POLS2404 | 2 | The Political Dynamics of Development and Resistance |
POLS2503 | 2 | Conflict & Nonviolent Change |
POLS2603 | 2 | Gender and Global Politics |
up to 2 units from -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
POLS2101 | 2 | Indigenous Politics & Policy |
POLS2207 | 2 | Terrorism & Insurgency in World Politics |
POLS2211 | 2 | International Organisations & Political Cooperation |
POLS2224 | 2 | Culture and World Politics |
POLS2703 | 2 | Principles of Research: Social and Comparative Perspectives |
POLS3802 | 2 | Independent Study |
RELN2310 | 2 | Religion, Peace and Violence |
and 2 units for compulsory capstone course -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
POLS3511 | 2 | The Politics of Peacebuilding |
Single Major
16 units consisting of:
2 units for compulsory gateway course -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
PHIL1002 | 2 | Introduction to Philosophy: What is Philosophy? |
and 2 units from -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
PHIL1013 | 2 | Introduction to Ethics |
PHIL1110 | 2 | Critical Reasoning |
and 2 units for compulsory cornerstone course -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
PHIL2013 | 2 | Rise of Modern Philosophy |
and 2 units to 6 units from -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
PHIL2000 | 2 | Epistemology & Metaphysics |
PHIL2010 | 2 | Representation & Reality: The Philosophy of Language |
PHIL2011 | 2 | Philosophy of Modern Physics |
PHIL2020 | 2 | Paradoxes |
PHIL2050 | 2 | Mind and Cognition |
PHIL2090 | 2 | Philosophy of Science: select topics in the foundations of scientific enquiry |
PHIL2110 | 2 | Formal Logic: an introduction to classical formal logic |
PHIL2190 | 2 | Feminist Philosophy |
PHIL2210 | 2 | Environmental Philosophy |
PHIL2220 | 2 | Kant & European Philosophy |
PHIL2300 | 2 | Phenomenology & Existentialism |
PHIL2310 | 2 | European Social Philosophy |
PHIL2330 | 2 | Political Philosophy and Applied Ethics |
PHIL2500 | 2 | Philosophy & Art |
PHIL2700 | 2 | Philosophy and Education |
PHIL2750 | 2 | Economic Justice |
and 2 units for compulsory capstone course -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
PHIL3002 | 2 | Philosophy Today |
Political Science
Single Major
16 units consisting of:
2 units for compulsory gateway course -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
POLS1301 | 2 | Introduction to Political Ideas |
and 2 units from -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
POLS1101 | 2 | Introduction to Australian Politics |
POLS1601 | 2 | Power, Politics & Society |
and 2 units for compulsory cornerstone course -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
POLS2302 | 2 | Political Thought: Machiavelli to Modernity |
and 6 units from at least 3 of the 4 study areas -
which may include up to 2 units from -
Australian Politics & Policy
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
POLS2101 | 2 | Indigenous Politics & Policy |
POLS2201 | 2 | Australian Foreign Policy |
POLS2805 | 2 | Advanced Topics in Political Science |
POLS3115 | 2 | Environmental Politics & Policy |
and which may include up to 2 units from -
Political Theory & Methodology
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
POLS2703 | 2 | Principles of Research: Social and Comparative Perspectives |
POLS2805 | 2 | Advanced Topics in Political Science |
POLS3118 | 2 | Advances in Political Psychology |
POLS3502 | 2 | Ethics in International Politics |
and which may include up to 2 units from -
Global Governance & Political Economy
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
POLS2211 | 2 | International Organisations & Political Cooperation |
POLS2222 | 2 | Humanitarianism in World Politics |
POLS2401 | 2 | Politics & the Economy |
POLS2402 | 2 | Globalisation & International Political Economy |
POLS2404 | 2 | The Political Dynamics of Development and Resistance |
POLS2603 | 2 | Gender and Global Politics |
POLS2805 | 2 | Advanced Topics in Political Science |
and which may include up to 2 units from -
International & Comparative Politics
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
POLS2207 | 2 | Terrorism & Insurgency in World Politics |
POLS2217 | 2 | European Political Issues |
POLS2503 | 2 | Conflict & Nonviolent Change |
POLS2805 | 2 | Advanced Topics in Political Science |
POLS3206 | 2 | Policy Challenges of Asia-Pacific Security |
and 2 units for compulsory capstone course -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
POLS3803 | 2 | Landmarks of Political Science |
Popular Music and Technology
Single Major
16 units consisting of:
4 units for compulsory gateway courses -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
MUSC1010 | 2 | Introduction to Music Technology |
MUSC1700 | 2 | Introduction to Popular Music Studies: The Rock Era |
and 4 units for compulsory cornerstone courses -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
MUSC2010 | 2 | Music Technology for Live Performance |
MUSC2700 | 2 | Beyond Rock: Music in the Digital Age |
Professional Writing and Communication
Single Major
16 units consisting of:
2 units for compulsory gateway course -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
WRIT1200 | 2 | Writing Creatively |
and 2 units from -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
COMU1140 | 2 | Multimedia |
COMU1152 | 2 | Public Relations Writing |
and 2 units for compulsory cornerstone course -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
WRIT2000 | 2 | Writing & Editing for the Professions |
and 4 units from -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
COMU2120 | 2 | Media Design |
COMU2160 | 2 | Communication Law and Ethics |
DRAM2400 | 2 | Performative Communication: Presentation and Public Speaking |
WRIT2250 | 2 | Writing: Grammar, Syntax, and Style |
and 2 units for compulsory capstone course -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
WRIT3700 | 2 | Publishing, Editing, and Authorship |
Single Major
16 units consisting of:
2 units for compulsory gateway course -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
PSYC1040 | 2 | Psychological Research Methodology I |
and 2 units from -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
NEUR1020 | 2 | The Brain and Behavioural Sciences |
PSYC1030 | 2 | Introduction to Psychology: Developmental, Social & Clinical Psychology |
and 2 units for compulsory cornerstone course -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
PSYC2010 | 2 | Psychological Research Methodology II |
and 2 units to 4 units from -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
NEUR2020 | 2 | Neuroscience for Psychologists |
PSYC2030 | 2 | Developmental Psychology |
PSYC2040 | 2 | Social & Organisational Psychology |
PSYC2050 | 2 | Learning & Cognition |
and 2 units for compulsory capstone course -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
PSYC3020 | 2 | Measurement in Psychology |
and 4 units to 6 units from -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
ANAT3022 | 2 | Functional Neuroanatomy |
MUSC3340 | 2 | Music, Cognition & Development |
NEUR3192 | 2 | Sensory Neuroscience |
NEUR3272 | 2 | The Neuroscience of Social Behaviour |
NEUR3302 | 2 | Cognitive Neuroscience |
PSYC3000 | 2 | Applied Sport and Exercise Psychology |
PSYC3032 | 2 | Topics in Social Psychology |
PSYC3042 | 2 | Psychological Research: Interpretation & Evaluation |
PSYC3052 | 2 | Judgment & Decision-Making |
PSYC3062 | 2 | Introduction to Human Factors |
PSYC3082 | 2 | Psychotherapies and Counselling |
PSYC3102 | 2 | Psychopathology |
PSYC3122 | 2 | Attitudes & Social Cognition |
PSYC3132 | 2 | The New Psychology of Health |
PSYC3142 | 2 | Intergroup Relations & Group Processes |
PSYC3162 | 2 | Development in Infancy |
PSYC3202 | 2 | Industrial & Organisational Psychology |
PSYC3262 | 2 | Evolutionary Approaches to Human Behaviour |
PSYC3282 | 2 | Developmental Perspectives on the Origins of Human Culture |
PSYC3312 | 2 | Parenting and Family Psychology |
Public Policy
Single Major
16 units consisting of:
2 units for compulsory gateway course -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
POLS1102 | 2 | Introduction to Politics & Public Policy |
and 2 units from -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
POLS1101 | 2 | Introduction to Australian Politics |
POLY1000 | 2 | Australian Social Policy |
and 2 units for compulsory cornerstone course -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
POLS2101 | 2 | Indigenous Politics & Policy |
and 4 units to 6 units from -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
POLS2201 | 2 | Australian Foreign Policy |
POLS2217 | 2 | European Political Issues |
POLS2401 | 2 | Politics & the Economy |
POLS2402 | 2 | Globalisation & International Political Economy |
POLS2404 | 2 | The Political Dynamics of Development and Resistance |
POLS2703 | 2 | Principles of Research: Social and Comparative Perspectives |
POLS3802 | 2 | Independent Study |
and 2 units for compulsory capstone course -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
POLS3102 | 2 | Governance & Australian Public Policy |
Single Major
16 units consisting of:
4 units for compulsory gateway courses -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
RSSN1110 | 2 | Introductory Russian I |
RSSN1120 | 2 | Introductory Russian II |
and 2 units for compulsory cornerstone course -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
RSSN2110 | 2 | Russian Language III |
and 2 units for -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
RSSN2120 | 2 | Russian Language IV |
Single Major
16 units consisting of:
2 units for compulsory gateway course -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
SOCY1050 | 2 | Introduction to Sociology |
and 2 units from -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
SOCY1030 | 2 | Introduction to Health, Illness and Society |
SOCY1060 | 2 | Gender, Sexuality and Society: An Introduction |
and 4 units for compulsory cornerstone courses -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
SOCY2019 | 2 | Introduction to social research |
SOCY2339 | 2 | Introducing Quantitative Research |
and 2 units from -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
SOCY2020 | 2 | Sociology of the Environment |
SOCY2040 | 2 | Families, Households and the Life Course |
SOCY2170 | 2 | Emotions in Social Life |
SOSC2190 | 2 | Human Bodies, Culture & Society |
SOCY2220 | 2 | Globalisation & Development in Post-Colonial Societies |
SOCY2340 | 2 | Sociology of the City |
SOCY3020 | 2 | Medicine, Markets and Health: Sociological Perspectives on Health and Illness |
SOCY3039 | 2 | Applied Quantitative Research |
Single Major
Stream A (Beginners)
16 units consisting of:
4 units for compulsory gateway courses -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
SPAN1010 | 2 | Introductory Spanish A |
SPAN1020 | 2 | Introductory Spanish B |
and 4 units for compulsory cornerstone courses -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
SPAN2010 | 2 | Continuing Spanish A |
SPAN2020 | 2 | Continuing Spanish B |
and 4 units from -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
LTCS2022 | 2 | Imagining Latin America in the 20th Century |
LTCS2026 | 2 | Cultures of Latin America |
LTCS2027 | 2 | Magical Realism and Beyond: Contemporary Latin America |
LTCS3000 | 2 | Latin American Perspectives |
MSTU2012 | 2 | European Film Today |
SPAN2310 | 2 | Reading & Writing in Spanish |
SPAN3310 | 2 | Text analysis and translation |
SPAN3330 | 2 | Generos de composicion |
SPAN3340 | 2 | Cine de Autor en Espanol |
SPAN3390 | 2 | America Latina: el deseo y la realidad |
SPAN3460 | 2 | Literatura en Espanol |
and 4 units for compulsory capstone courses -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
SPAN3110 | 2 | Advanced Spanish A |
SPAN3120 | 2 | Advanced Spanish B |
Stream B (Intermediate)
16 units consisting of:
4 units for compulsory gateway courses -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
SPAN2010 | 2 | Continuing Spanish A |
SPAN2020 | 2 | Continuing Spanish B |
4 units for compulsory cornerstone courses -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
SPAN3110 | 2 | Advanced Spanish A |
SPAN3120 | 2 | Advanced Spanish B |
4 units for compulsory capstone courses -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
SPAN3330 | 2 | Generos de composicion |
SPAN3310 | 2 | Text analysis and translation |
and 4 units from -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
LTCS2022 | 2 | Imagining Latin America in the 20th Century |
LTCS2026 | 2 | Cultures of Latin America |
LTCS2027 | 2 | Magical Realism and Beyond: Contemporary Latin America |
LTCS3000 | 2 | Latin American Perspectives |
MSTU2012 | 2 | European Film Today |
SPAN3340 | 2 | Cine de Autor en Espanol |
SPAN3390 | 2 | America Latina: el deseo y la realidad |
SPAN3460 | 2 | Literatura en Espanol |
Stream C (Advanced)
16 units consisting of:
4 units for compulsory gateway courses -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
SPAN3110 | 2 | Advanced Spanish A |
SPAN3120 | 2 | Advanced Spanish B |
2 units for compulsory cornerstone course -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
SPAN3330 | 2 | Generos de composicion |
2 units for compulsory capstone course -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
SPAN3310 | 2 | Text analysis and translation |
and 8 units from -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
LTCS2022 | 2 | Imagining Latin America in the 20th Century |
LTCS2026 | 2 | Cultures of Latin America |
LTCS2027 | 2 | Magical Realism and Beyond: Contemporary Latin America |
LTCS3000 | 2 | Latin American Perspectives |
MSTU2012 | 2 | European Film Today |
SPAN3340 | 2 | Cine de Autor en Espanol |
SPAN3390 | 2 | America Latina: el deseo y la realidad |
SPAN3460 | 2 | Literatura en Espanol |
Sports Studies
Single Major
16 units consisting of:
2 units for compulsory gateway course -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
HMST1910 | 2 | From Bradman to Freeman: Mythic Qualities of Australian Sport |
and 2 units from -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
BIOL1900 | 2 | Biophysical Development, Measurement and Assessment |
HPRM1000 | 2 | Physical Activity & Health |
and 2 units for compulsory cornerstone course -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
HMST2190 | 2 | From Playground to Podium: Critical Analysis of Sporting Issues |
and 2 units to 6 units from -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
NEUR2530 | 2 | Motor Control & Learning |
BIOL2630 | 2 | Biomechanics |
PSYC2000 | 2 | Psychology of Sport and Exercise |
SOSC2190 | 2 | Human Bodies, Culture & Society |
SOCY2280 | 2 | Sociology of Sport |
EDUC3011 | 2 | Youth, Sport and Physical Culture |
NEUR3733 | 2 | Neuromechanical Basis of Human Movement |
HPRM3000 | 2 | Health Promotion: Perspectives & Practice |
NUTR3000 | 2 | Nutrition & Exercise |
PSYC3000 | 2 | Applied Sport and Exercise Psychology |
and 2 units for compulsory capstone course -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
HIST3002 | 2 | History of Sport & Physical Activity in Australian Society |
Studies in Australian Culture
Studies in Religion
Single Major
16 units consisting of:
2 units for compulsory gateway course -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
RELN1000 | 2 | World Religions |
and 2 units from -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
RELN1001 | 2 | Belief & Unbelief |
RELN1510 | 2 | The History of the Supernatural |
and 2 units for compulsory cornerstone course -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
RELN2000 | 2 | The idea of the sacred: texts, places and festivals |
and 2 units to 6 units from -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
HIST2140 | 2 | Indian History and Religion Study Tour |
HIST2416 | 2 | Medieval Heresy |
RELN2113 | 2 | Spirituality in the Everyday |
RELN2115 | 2 | Playing God: Religion & Science |
RELN2117 | 2 | Sociology of Religion |
RELN2300 | 2 | Rituals, Priests & Kings: A History of Hinduism |
RELN2301 | 2 | Buddhism |
RELN2307 | 2 | Islam |
RELN2310 | 2 | Religion, Peace and Violence |
RELN2409 | 2 | The World of Jesus and the Early Christians |
RELN2410 | 2 | The Bible: Narratives & Interpretations |
RELN2411 | 2 | Western Religious Thought from the Middle Ages to the Present |
and 2 units for compulsory capstone course -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
RELN3000 | 2 | The Future of Religion: An Advanced Study of Contemporary Issues |
Single Major
16 units consisting of:
2 units for compulsory gateway course -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
WRIT1110 | 2 | Creative Writing: Narrative Fiction |
and 2 units from -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
ENGL1500 | 2 | Contemporary Literature: Reading & Writing |
WRIT1005 | 2 | Fundamentals of Academic Writing |
and 2 units for compulsory cornerstone course -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
WRIT2250 | 2 | Writing: Grammar, Syntax, and Style |
and 4 units to 6 units from -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
DRAM3102 | 2 | Playwriting & Dramaturgy: Creative Practice |
ENGL3020 | 2 | Journals, Repositories & Conferences Internship |
WRIT2000 | 2 | Writing & Editing for the Professions |
WRIT2050 | 2 | Creative Writing: Genre Fiction |
WRIT2100 | 2 | Creative Writing: Poetics |
WRIT2120 | 2 | Creative Writing: Screenwriting |
and 2 units for compulsory capstone course -
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
WRIT3000 | 2 | Writing: Advanced Project |
End notes
- [1] This course is a pre-requisite for ECON3210
- [2] This course requires ECON2200 as a pre-requisite