Ethics in International Politics (POLS3502)
Information valid for Semester 1, 2020
Course level
Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
Politic Sc & Internat Studies
One Semester
Delivery mode
Class hours
2 Lecture hours
1 Tutorial hour
GT274, POLS2502
Recommended prerequisite
Assessment methods
Essays and tutorial work
Course enquiries
Study Abroad
This course is pre-approved for Study Abroad and Exchange students.
Current course offerings
Course offerings | Location | Mode | Course Profile |
Semester 1, 2025 (24/02/2025 - 21/06/2025) | St Lucia | In Person | Course Profile |
Please Note: Course profiles marked as not available may still be in development.
Course description
This course examines some of the key moral dilemmas in global politics. It examines several ethical traditions, such as realism, communitarianism, cosmopolitanism and feminism in an attempt to provide students with the knowledge necessary to understand issues related to peace, morality and justice in international politics. The second part consists of a series of case studies that illustrate the practical dimension of debates about ethics in international politics. We will examine the ethics of membership, global poverty and global justice, environmental justice and climate change, the ethics of war, the problem of evil and the relationship between the rights discourse and moral change.