Ecology and Conservation Biology (Major)

For the major in Ecology and Conservation Biology, students must complete 16 units comprising —
    - 2 units for Level 1 Ecology and Conservation Biology major compulsory course; and
    - 4 units for Level 2 Ecology and Conservation Biology major compulsory courses; and
    - 2 units from Level 2 Ecology and Conservation Biology major elective courses; and
    - 8 units from Level 3 Ecology and Conservation Biology major elective courses.
Students should complete the 4 units of Level 1 prerequisite courses for the major.

Students are required to complete at least one field trip course; BIOL2015, BIOL3016 or BIOL3030.

Prerequisite courses for the Ecology and Conservation Biology major

Complete these 4 units —

Course Code Units Course Title
BIOL1020 2 Genes, Cells & Evolution
BIOL1040 2 Cells to Organisms

Level 1 Ecology and Conservation Biology major compulsory courses

Complete these 2 units —

Course Code Units Course Title
BIOL1030 2 Global Challenges in Biology

Level 2 Ecology and Conservation Biology major compulsory courses

Complete these 4 units —

Course Code Units Course Title
BIOL2006 2 Biostatistics & Experimental Design
BIOL2010 2 Ecology

Level 2 Ecology and Conservation Biology major elective courses

Choose 2 units from —

Course Code Units Course Title
BIOL2015 2 Ecology Field Studies [1]
BIOL2201 2 Evolution

Level 3 Ecology and Conservation Biology major elective courses

Complete 8 units from the following choices —

Choose 6 to 8 units from —

Course Code Units Course Title
BIOL3000 2 Conservation
BIOL3016 2 Outback Ecology Field Studies [1]
BIOL3030 2 Urban Ecology [1]
BIOL3227 2 Plant Identification & Vegetation Classification
BIOL3232 2 Insect Identification & Taxonomy
BIOL3236 2 Climate Change Biology
BIOL3300 2 Functional Ecology
BIOL3310 2 Macroecology & Biogeography
BIOL3360 2 Analysis & Communication of Biological Data
BIOL3370 2 Animal-Plant Interactions

Choose 0 to 2 units from —

Course Code Units Course Title
SCIE3240 2 Introduction to Research in Biology
SCIE3241 2 Special Project in Biology

End notes

  • [1] As part of the Ecology and Conservation Biology major and extended major requirements, all students must include one of the following field trip courses: BIOL2015, BIOL3016 or BIOL3030.