Course level

Postgraduate Coursework




Public Health School




One Semester

Delivery mode


Class hours

Block delivery

Recommended prerequisite

Assessment methods




Course enquiries

Current course offerings

Course offerings Location Mode Course Profile
Semester 2, 2024 (22/07/2024 - 18/11/2024) Herston In Person Course Profile

Please Note: Course profiles marked as not available may still be in development.

Course description

This course is for students who wish to learn about the methodology of cost-effectiveness analysis as applied in health care. PUBH7618 will focus on practical application with particular attention on the usefulness and limitations of cost-effectiveness analysis as a technique of economic appraisal. Consistent with the applied focus of this course, students will experience interactive lectures and hands-on tutorials delivered in a workshop format. This course is offered in an online mode and is designed to be delivered synchronously (in real time).

Archived offerings

Course offerings Location Mode Course Profile
Summer Semester, 2023 (27/11/2023 - 10/02/2024) External External Course Profile
Summer Semester, 2022 (28/11/2022 - 11/02/2023) Herston External Course Profile
Summer Semester, 2022 (28/11/2022 - 11/02/2023) Herston Internal Course Profile
Summer Semester, 2021 (29/11/2021 - 29/01/2022) Herston Flexible Delivery Course Profile
Summer Semester, 2021 (29/11/2021 - 29/01/2022) Herston External Course Profile
Summer Semester, 2016 (28/11/2016 - 11/02/2017) Herston Intensive Course Profile
Summer Semester, 2015 (30/11/2015 - 25/02/2016) Herston Internal Course Profile