Course level



Health & Behavioural Sciences


Psychology School




One Semester

Delivery mode


Class hours

1 Tutorial hour

Assessment methods

Research participation, on-line quizz, tutorial worksheets, Laboratory Report.

Course enquiries

Study Abroad

This course is pre-approved for Study Abroad and Exchange students.

Current course offerings

Course offerings Location Mode Course Profile
Semester 2, 2024 (22/07/2024 - 18/11/2024) St Lucia In Person Course Profile
Semester 1, 2025 (24/02/2025 - 21/06/2025) St Lucia In Person Profile unavailable

Please Note: Course profiles marked as not available may still be in development.

Course description

The School of Psychology recommends only two of the three first year courses is undertaken in the first semester of study.
Psychology is the scientific study of how people behave, think and feel. This course spans a variety of topics including the development of thought, language and personality as well as issues in clinical psychology. The course also covers social issues including communication, aggression, and altruism, Students will be given the opportunity to participate in both classic and state-of-the-art psychological research and to demonstrate their understanding of the research process.
Contact hours: Semester 1 and Semester 2: Flipped class model with a one hour timetabled activity per week. Summer Semester: accelerated Flipped class model with 1 x two hour tutorial and two on-line lectures per week. This course may not be offered over Summer if enrolment is less than 15 students.

Archived offerings

Course offerings Location Mode Course Profile
Semester 1, 2024 (19/02/2024 - 15/06/2024) St Lucia In Person Course Profile
Semester 1, 2023 (20/02/2023 - 17/06/2023) External External Course Profile
Semester 1, 2023 (20/02/2023 - 17/06/2023) St Lucia In Person Course Profile
Semester 2, 2023 (24/07/2023 - 18/11/2023) St Lucia In Person Course Profile
Summer Semester, 2023 (27/11/2023 - 10/02/2024) St Lucia In Person Course Profile
Semester 1, 2022 (21/02/2022 - 21/06/2022) External External Course Profile
Semester 2, 2022 (25/07/2022 - 19/11/2022) External External Course Profile
Summer Semester, 2022 (28/11/2022 - 11/02/2023) External External Course Profile
Semester 1, 2021 (22/02/2021 - 19/06/2021) External External Course Profile
Semester 2, 2021 (26/07/2021 - 20/11/2021) External External Course Profile
Summer Semester, 2021 (29/11/2021 - 29/01/2022) External External Course Profile
Semester 1, 2020 (24/02/2020 - 11/07/2020) St Lucia Internal Course Profile
Semester 2, 2020 (03/08/2020 - 21/11/2020) St Lucia Flexible Delivery Course Profile
Semester 2, 2020 (03/08/2020 - 21/11/2020) External External Course Profile
Summer Semester, 2020 (30/11/2020 - 13/02/2021) External External Course Profile
Semester 1, 2019 (25/02/2019 - 22/06/2019) St Lucia Internal Course Profile
Semester 2, 2019 (22/07/2019 - 16/11/2019) St Lucia Internal Course Profile
Summer Semester, 2019 (25/11/2019 - 08/02/2020) St Lucia Internal Course Profile
Semester 1, 2018 (19/02/2018 - 23/06/2018) St Lucia Internal Course Profile
Semester 2, 2018 (23/07/2018 - 17/11/2018) St Lucia Internal Course Profile
Summer Semester, 2018 (26/11/2018 - 09/02/2019) St Lucia Internal Course Profile
Semester 1, 2017 (27/02/2017 - 24/06/2017) St Lucia Internal Course Profile
Semester 2, 2017 (24/07/2017 - 18/11/2017) St Lucia Internal Course Profile
Summer Semester, 2017 (27/11/2017 - 10/02/2018) St Lucia Internal Course Profile
Semester 1, 2016 (29/02/2016 - 25/06/2016) St Lucia Internal Course Profile
Semester 2, 2016 (25/07/2016 - 19/11/2016) St Lucia Internal Course Profile
Summer Semester, 2016 (28/11/2016 - 11/02/2017) St Lucia Internal Course Profile
Semester 1, 2015 (02/03/2015 - 27/06/2015) St Lucia Internal Course Profile
Semester 2, 2015 (27/07/2015 - 21/11/2015) St Lucia Internal Course Profile
Summer Semester, 2015 (30/11/2015 - 25/02/2016) St Lucia Internal Course Profile