Planning Research Topic (PLAN7010)
Information valid for Semester 2, 2015
Course level
Postgraduate Coursework
Geography,Planning&Envin Mgt
One Semester
Delivery mode
Permission of Head of School/ and one research methods course (PLAN7113, POLS7701 or SWSP7144)
Assessment methods
Proposal and report
Course enquiries
Course description
This is a research-based course conducted in groups of 3-4 students. Students investigate a relevant topic in the field of Planning/Development Planning, defined by the students in conjunction with their academic supervisor. The purpose of this course is to allow students to develop a deeper understanding of key Planning- related issues that interest them.
It is the responsibility of students to identify a supervisor with expertise in their chosen topic and negotiate details of the research project with the supervisor. Supervisor availability is not guaranteed, as supervision of research projects is in demand. Students are advised to contact potential supervisors well in advance of the semester in which they plan to enrol. Students will be encouraged to collaborate in small teams to facilitate their learning outcomes.
In particular students will be required to identify a research or applied planning problem, specify a research question to investigate, outline measurable objectives, analyse relevant literature and present results that address the specified research question. Students may undertake primary data collection, although this is not required.