Advanced Topics in Moral & Political Philosophy (PHIL3630)
Information valid for Semester 1, 2023
Course level
Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
Historical & Philosophical Inq
One Semester
Attendance mode
In Person
Class hours
Lecture 2.0 Hours/ Week
Tutorial 1.0 Hour/ Week
Recommended prerequisite
Assessment methods
Essays, Participation, Seminar paper/presentation
Course enquiries
Doctor Aurelia Armstrong (Semester 1, St Lucia, In person)
Study Abroad
This course is pre-approved for Study Abroad and Exchange students.
Current course offerings
Course offerings | Location | Mode | Course Profile |
Semester 1, 2025 (24/02/2025 - 21/06/2025) | St Lucia | In Person | Course Profile |
Please Note: Course profiles marked as not available may still be in development.
Course description
This course explores major themes in Anglo-American moral and political philosophy. The course aims to consolidate and integrate previous learning through addressing current issues. Topics will be drawn from concepts in social and political philosophy, environmental philosophy, philosophy of education, legal philosophy and social and economic justice. This course may not run if there are fewer than 20 enrolments.
Enrolment in the external offering of this course is restricted and requires approval by the School of Historical & Philosophical Inquiry. If you are unable to attend the St Lucia campus, please contact the school at detailing why you are unable to enrol in the in person mode, and a supporting case as to why you should be permitted to enrol externally. Include details such as whether the course is compulsory in your major or program and if you require the course for pre-requisite requirements and progression. Please note that course requirements vary from School to School, and approval to enrol in one course externally does not automatically mean that others will be permitted.