Course level



Business, Economics & Law


Business School




One Semester

Attendance mode


Class hours

General contact hours 65 Hours/ One Off


Students must be in their final year of study


This course is restricted to students enrolled in a BEL Faculty single or dual undergraduate program

Course enquiries

Associate Professor Frederik von Briel ()

Work Integrated Learning

Industry Projects

Current course offerings

Course offerings Location Mode Course Profile
Summer Semester, 2024 (18/11/2024 - 21/12/2024) St Lucia In Person Profile unavailable

Please Note: Course profiles marked as not available may still be in development.

Course description

In this course you will integrate, extend and apply your discipline knowledge and build your employability. You will partner with other students from across the Business, Economics and Law Faculty to work with an industry partner. Your focus will be to innovatively solve a novel, real and complex industry problem. The nature of this problem will intersect with several disciplines and involve a wide cross section of internal and external stakeholders. Teams will work intensively on campus in a workshop that mimics an open office environment, guided and advised by a team comprised of an academic lead, employability specialist and industry partners, providing you with a unique opportunity to learn by doing. Entry to the course is by application only. Information about how to apply can be found on the Faculty's work-integrated learning website.

Archived offerings

Course offerings Location Mode Course Profile
Summer Semester, 2023 (20/11/2023 - 16/12/2023) St Lucia In Person Course Profile
Summer Semester, 2023 (20/11/2023 - 16/12/2023) External External Course Profile
Semester 2, 2022 (27/06/2022 - 20/08/2022) St Lucia Internal Course Profile
Semester 2, 2022 (27/06/2022 - 20/08/2022) External External Course Profile
Summer Semester, 2022 (21/11/2022 - 17/12/2022) St Lucia Intensive Course Profile
Summer Semester, 2022 (21/11/2022 - 17/12/2022) External External Course Profile
Semester 2, 2021 (28/06/2021 - 21/08/2021) External External Course Profile
Semester 2, 2021 (28/06/2021 - 21/08/2021) St Lucia Intensive Course Profile
Summer Semester, 2021 (22/11/2021 - 18/12/2021) St Lucia Intensive Course Profile
Summer Semester, 2021 (22/11/2021 - 18/12/2021) External External Course Profile
Summer Semester, 2020 (23/11/2020 - 19/12/2020) St Lucia Flexible Delivery Course Profile
Summer Semester, 2020 (23/11/2020 - 19/12/2020) External External Course Profile