Music, Cognition & Development (MUSC3340)
Information valid for Semester 2, 2023
Course level
Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
Music School
One Semester
Attendance mode
In Person
Class hours
Lecture 1 Hour/ Week
Tutorial 1 Hour/ Week
The lecture will be pre-recorded content; students do not attend a scheduled class for this contact type.
MUSC1300, MUSC2300 or PSYC2050
Recommended prerequisite
course offering may be cancelled if fewer than 10 students enrol
Assessment methods
project, essay, participation, exam
Course enquiries
Study Abroad
This course is pre-approved for Study Abroad and Exchange students.
Current course offerings
Course offerings | Location | Mode | Course Profile |
Semester 2, 2025 (28/07/2025 - 22/11/2025) | St Lucia | In Person | Profile unavailable |
Please Note: Course profiles marked as not available may still be in development.
Course description
This course aims to engage students with contemporary and seminal investigations exploring the intersections of music, cognition, and development. Key questions to be explored include: Are musical abilities innate? What are the key cognitive processes involved in perceiving, learning, and performing music? How do music and cognitive abilities interact and develop across the lifespan? How can research knowledge be applied to professional music practice? How is music used in applied situations, including artistic, educational, and therapeutic contexts? Research from fields including psychology, neuroscience, education and development will be synthesised to provide students with a theoretically integrated and structured understanding of music cognition and development from rich and diverse perspectives.