Medicine (MEDI3007)
Information valid for Semester 1, 2016
Course level
Medicine & Biomedical Sciences
School of Medicine
One Semester
Delivery mode
MBBS students only.
Assessment methods
Long Case Examination Clinical Skills Presentation; Long Case Examination Clinical Practice Discussion; Mini Clinical Evaluation Exercise 1 & 2; Prepared Case Discussion 1 & 2; Clinical Participation Assessment. To pass this course, students must pass both Clinical Participation Assessments and meet the attendance requirements, independent of marks in other assessments.
Course enquiries
Course description
The purpose of the Year 3 Medicine rotation is to provide an introduction to clinical medicine and therapeutics. The rotation is based upon placements in (mainly) general medicine units located in each Clinical School as a framework for clinical learning in medicine, coupled with clinical discussion sessions for each of the eight weeks of the rotation. The clinical discussion sessions will be co-ordinated by a consultant physician. In some cases a sub-specialist with a clinical interest in the topic of the week will be involved. The plan is for Year 3 students to continue to use their self-directed learning techniques and knowledge acquired during Years 1 and 2 of the MBBS to focus their learning within a hospital ward environment. Although core teaching time and subjects are uniform, each Clinical School will have some latitude to develop its own independent program.