Research Project (HLTH3007)
Information valid for Semester 2, 2023
Course level
Public Health School
One Semester
Attendance mode
In Person
Class hours
Tutorial 1 Hour/ Week
Fieldwork 5 Hours/ Week
Minimum GPA of 5 over at least #32 units of BHlthSc or BSc and approval from the Course Coordinator.
BHlthSc and BSc (Public Health major) students. Subject to the approval of the Course Coordinator.
Assessment methods
Project Proposal 10%
Oral Presentation 30%
Project Report 60%
Course enquiries
Current course offerings
Course offerings | Location | Mode | Course Profile |
Semester 2, 2025 (28/07/2025 - 22/11/2025) | Herston | In Person | Profile unavailable |
Please Note: Course profiles marked as not available may still be in development.
Course description
This course allows students to undertake a one-semester research project on a topic of interest. Students must have completed at least #32 of the Bachelor of Health Sciences or Bachelor of Science program before undertaking the Project. Prospective students should meet with the Course Coordinator as soon as grades for Semester 1 courses are released to discuss their research and confirm their topic and supervisor for HLTH3007 enrolment in Semester 2 of the same year. The Course Coordinator will then give approval for enrolment in HLTH3007.