Course level



Business, Economics & Law


Economics School




One Semester

Attendance mode


Class hours

Lecture 2 Hours/ Week
Tutorial 1 Hour/ Week


ECON1010 or 1011

Course enquiries

Professor Lionel Page (Semester 1, Regular, St Lucia, In person)

Current course offerings

Course offerings Location Mode Course Profile
Summer Semester, 2024 (25/11/2024 - 08/02/2025) External External Profile unavailable
Semester 1, 2025 (24/02/2025 - 21/06/2025) St Lucia In Person Profile unavailable

Please Note: Course profiles marked as not available may still be in development.

Course description

The way that economists think about strategic situations is through the application of game theory. One aim of the course is to teach you some strategic considerations to take into account when making your own choices. A second aim is to predict how other people or organizations behave when they are in strategic settings. We will see that these aims are closely related. We will learn new concepts, methods and terminology. A third aim is to apply these tools to settings from economics and other disciplines. The course will emphasize examples.

Archived offerings

Course offerings Location Mode Course Profile
Semester 1, 2024 (19/02/2024 - 15/06/2024) St Lucia In Person Profile unavailable
Semester 1, 2023 (20/02/2023 - 17/06/2023) St Lucia In Person Profile unavailable
Semester 1, 2023 (20/02/2023 - 17/06/2023) External External Profile unavailable
Summer Semester, 2023 (27/11/2023 - 10/02/2024) St Lucia In Person Profile unavailable
Summer Semester, 2023 (27/11/2023 - 10/02/2024) External External Profile unavailable
Semester 1, 2022 (21/02/2022 - 21/06/2022) St Lucia Internal Profile unavailable
Semester 1, 2022 (21/02/2022 - 21/06/2022) External External Profile unavailable
Summer Semester, 2022 (28/11/2022 - 11/02/2023) External External Profile unavailable
Semester 1, 2021 (22/02/2021 - 19/06/2021) External External Profile unavailable
Semester 1, 2021 (22/02/2021 - 19/06/2021) St Lucia Flexible Delivery Profile unavailable
Summer Semester, 2021 (29/11/2021 - 29/01/2022) External External Profile unavailable
Semester 1, 2020 (24/02/2020 - 11/07/2020) St Lucia Internal Profile unavailable
Semester 2, 2020 (03/08/2020 - 21/11/2020) St Lucia Flexible Delivery Profile unavailable
Semester 2, 2020 (03/08/2020 - 21/11/2020) External External Profile unavailable
Summer Semester, 2020 (30/11/2020 - 13/02/2021) External External Profile unavailable
Semester 1, 2019 (25/02/2019 - 22/06/2019) St Lucia Internal Profile unavailable
Summer Semester, 2019 (25/11/2019 - 08/02/2020) St Lucia Internal Profile unavailable
Semester 1, 2018 (19/02/2018 - 23/06/2018) St Lucia Internal Profile unavailable
Summer Semester, 2018 (26/11/2018 - 09/02/2019) St Lucia Internal Profile unavailable
Semester 1, 2017 (27/02/2017 - 24/06/2017) St Lucia Internal Profile unavailable
Summer Semester, 2017 (27/11/2017 - 10/02/2018) St Lucia Internal Profile unavailable
Semester 1, 2016 (29/02/2016 - 25/06/2016) St Lucia Internal Profile unavailable
Summer Semester, 2016 (28/11/2016 - 11/02/2017) St Lucia Internal Profile unavailable
Semester 1, 2015 (02/03/2015 - 27/06/2015) St Lucia Internal Profile unavailable
Summer Semester, 2015 (01/12/2015 - 28/02/2016) St Lucia Internal Profile unavailable