Course level



Business, Economics & Law


Economics School




One Semester

Attendance mode


Class hours

Lecture 2 Hours/ Week
Tutorial 1 Hour/ Week


ECON1011 or 2011


Not to be studied by BAdvBus(Hons) and BAdvFin&Econ(Hons) students

Course enquiries

Doctor Lizi Yu (Semester 1, Regular, St Lucia, In person)

Associate Professor Renuka Mahadevan (Semester 2, Regular, St Lucia, In person)

Doctor Carl Sherwood (Summer Semester, Regular, St Lucia, In person)

Study Abroad

This course is pre-approved for Study Abroad and Exchange students.

Current course offerings

Course offerings Location Mode Course Profile
Semester 2, 2024 (22/07/2024 - 18/11/2024) St Lucia In Person Course Profile
Summer Semester, 2024 (25/11/2024 - 08/02/2025) External External Profile unavailable
Semester 1, 2025 (24/02/2025 - 21/06/2025) St Lucia In Person Profile unavailable

Please Note: Course profiles marked as not available may still be in development.

Course description

Provides students with a practical understanding of the core economic principles that explain why individuals, companies and governments make the decisions they do, and how their decision-making might be improved to make best use of available resources.

Archived offerings

Course offerings Location Mode Course Profile
Semester 1, 2024 (19/02/2024 - 15/06/2024) St Lucia In Person Course Profile
Semester 1, 2023 (20/02/2023 - 17/06/2023) St Lucia In Person Course Profile
Semester 1, 2023 (20/02/2023 - 17/06/2023) External External Course Profile
Semester 2, 2023 (24/07/2023 - 18/11/2023) St Lucia In Person Course Profile
Semester 2, 2023 (24/07/2023 - 18/11/2023) External External Course Profile
Summer Semester, 2023 (27/11/2023 - 10/02/2024) St Lucia In Person Course Profile
Summer Semester, 2023 (27/11/2023 - 10/02/2024) External External Course Profile
Semester 1, 2022 (21/02/2022 - 21/06/2022) St Lucia Internal Course Profile
Semester 1, 2022 (21/02/2022 - 21/06/2022) External External Course Profile
Semester 2, 2022 (25/07/2022 - 19/11/2022) St Lucia Internal Course Profile
Semester 2, 2022 (25/07/2022 - 19/11/2022) External External Course Profile
Summer Semester, 2022 (28/11/2022 - 11/02/2023) External External Course Profile
Semester 1, 2021 (22/02/2021 - 19/06/2021) External External Course Profile
Semester 1, 2021 (22/02/2021 - 19/06/2021) St Lucia Flexible Delivery Course Profile
Semester 2, 2021 (26/07/2021 - 20/11/2021) St Lucia Internal Course Profile
Semester 2, 2021 (26/07/2021 - 20/11/2021) External External Course Profile
Summer Semester, 2021 (29/11/2021 - 29/01/2022) External External Course Profile
Semester 1, 2020 (24/02/2020 - 11/07/2020) St Lucia Internal Course Profile
Semester 2, 2020 (03/08/2020 - 21/11/2020) St Lucia Flexible Delivery Course Profile
Semester 2, 2020 (03/08/2020 - 21/11/2020) External External Course Profile
Summer Semester, 2020 (30/11/2020 - 13/02/2021) St Lucia External Course Profile
Semester 1, 2019 (25/02/2019 - 22/06/2019) St Lucia Internal Course Profile
Semester 2, 2019 (22/07/2019 - 16/11/2019) St Lucia Internal Course Profile
Summer Semester, 2019 (25/11/2019 - 08/02/2020) External External Course Profile
Semester 1, 2018 (19/02/2018 - 23/06/2018) St Lucia Internal Course Profile
Semester 2, 2018 (23/07/2018 - 17/11/2018) St Lucia Internal Course Profile
Summer Semester, 2018 (26/11/2018 - 09/02/2019) St Lucia Internal Course Profile
Semester 1, 2017 (27/02/2017 - 24/06/2017) St Lucia Internal Course Profile
Semester 2, 2017 (24/07/2017 - 18/11/2017) St Lucia Internal Course Profile
Summer Semester, 2017 (27/11/2017 - 10/02/2018) St Lucia Internal Course Profile
Semester 1, 2016 (29/02/2016 - 25/06/2016) St Lucia Internal Course Profile
Semester 2, 2016 (25/07/2016 - 19/11/2016) St Lucia Internal Course Profile
Summer Semester, 2016 (28/11/2016 - 11/02/2017) St Lucia Internal Course Profile
Semester 1, 2015 (02/03/2015 - 27/06/2015) St Lucia Internal Course Profile
Semester 2, 2015 (27/07/2015 - 21/11/2015) St Lucia Internal Course Profile
Summer Semester, 2015 (01/12/2015 - 28/02/2016) St Lucia Internal Course Profile