Geotechnical Investigation & Testing (CIVL4270)
Information valid for Semester 1, 2017
Course level
Engineering, Architecture & Information Technology
Civil Engineering School
One Semester
Delivery mode
Class hours
2L2T1P & field trip
Recommended prerequisite
CIVL2210 + CIVL3210
Assessment methods
End-of-semester exam and Practical Projects
Course enquiries
Current course offerings
Course offerings | Location | Mode | Course Profile |
Semester 1, 2025 (24/02/2025 - 21/06/2025) | St Lucia | In Person | Course Profile |
Please Note: Course profiles marked as not available may still be in development.
Course description
Purpose of geotechnical investigation and testing; geotechnical site investigation methods, including test pitting, drilling, soil sampling, rock coring, in situ testing, cone penetration testing of soil profiles, and geophysical testing; planning a geotechnical investigation and testing program; laboratory testing methods for soils and rocks, their applications and limitations, and their interpretation; geotechnical parameter assessment. [An optional field exercise will be offered during the mid-semester break.]