Design and Analysis of Experiments (AGRC7501)
Information valid for Semester 2, 2019
Course level
Agriculture Food Sciences Schl
One Semester
Delivery mode
Class hours
2 Lecture hours
3 Tutorial hours
STAT1201 or equivalent
Recommended prerequisite
MATH1050 or equivalent
Assessment methods
Online Quiz, Presentations and final examination
Course enquiries
Course description
The course will cover the principles of design of controlled experiments, including replications, randomisation, and reduction of experimental error in agricultural related disciplines. The course will cover analysis of variance (ANOVA) for completely randomised design, simple blocking designs, factorial designs, split-plot and nested designs. Other advanced topics such as unbalanced designs, repeated measures and missing values may be covered. Introduction to statistical packages and computer exercises will be given in mostly Minitab (Minitab Inc.) and R/RStudio (The R Foundation for Statistical Computing). On the completion of this course, students is expected to be able to at least design a simple experiment, analyse the data, interpret the outputs and present the analysis result. Use of their own datasets will be encouraged for special topics. Other statistical software packages, such as SAS (SAS Institute, Cary, NC), may be used on occasions for demonstration purposes