Plants for Human Health (AGRC3037)
Information valid for Semester 1, 2017
Course level
Agriculture Food Sciences Schl
One Semester
Delivery mode
Class hours
3 Lecture hours
3 Practical or Laboratory hours
BIOL1020, BIOL1030, BIOL1040
Recommended prerequisite
Assessment methods
Draft Project Proposal 10%, Oral Presentation 10%, Final Project Proposal 30% and Final Exam: 50%
Course enquiries
Course description
This course focuses on drug discovery from plants (approx. 70% of medicines come from plants) and nutritional aspects (healthy food). It will also cover medicinal plants, traditional plant-based medicine and toxic plants with an emphasis on Australian natives, showcasing the value of plant and metabolic diversity. The course is highly interdisciplinary, covering all aspects from initial screening to translational research and commercialisation. Topics include the selection of plants based on their environment, screening of bioactive compounds with medical or nutritional value, compound isolation, functional characterisation, bioavailability, mode of action, and translational research, including human trials and commercialisation.
Archived offerings
Course offerings | Location | Mode | Course Profile |
Semester 1, 2021 (22/02/2021 - 19/06/2021) | External | External | Course Profile |
Semester 1, 2021 (22/02/2021 - 19/06/2021) | St Lucia | Flexible Delivery | Course Profile |
Semester 1, 2020 (24/02/2020 - 11/07/2020) | St Lucia | Internal | Course Profile |
Semester 1, 2019 (25/02/2019 - 22/06/2019) | St Lucia | Internal | Course Profile |
Semester 1, 2018 (19/02/2018 - 23/06/2018) | St Lucia | Internal | Course Profile |
Semester 1, 2017 (27/02/2017 - 24/06/2017) | St Lucia | Internal | Course Profile |