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MajorStructural Engineering

Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)

Plan and course requirements

Complete 16 units comprising:

  • 10 units for all Structural Engineering Compulsory Courses, and
  • 4 to 6 units from Structural Engineering Elective Courses, and
  • 0 to 2 units from Civil Engineering Advanced Elective Courses

The BE(Hons) Major in Structural Engineering can only be undertaken with the BE(Hons) Specialisation in Civil Engineering.

Civil Engineering Advanced Elective Courses

Complete 0 to 2 units from the following:

CIVL32202 units
Rock Mechanics
CIVL33402 units
Structural Analysis
CIVL33502 units
Integrated Structural Design
CIVL33802 units
Structural Steel Design
CIVL34202 units
Sustainable Transport Engineering - Planning and Design
CIVL41452 units
Groundwater Modelling and Management
CIVL42302 units
Advanced Soil Mechanics
CIVL42702 units
Geotechnical Investigation
CIVL42802 units
Applied Rock Mechanics
CIVL42902 units
Geotechnical Infrastructure
CIVL43332 units
Advanced Concrete Design
CIVL43342 units
Design of Timber Structures
CIVL43402 units
Wind Engineering
CIVL44502 units
Traffic Flow Theory and Emerging Technologies
CIVL44602 units
Highway Geometric Design
CIVL45222 units
Analytical Methods for the Design of Construction Operations
CIVL45252 units
Sustainable Infrastructure Design
CIVL46052 units
Research Thesis B
CIVL61112 units
Ocean, Coastal and Estuarine Engineering
CIVL61122 units
Hydro and Marine Power Renewable Energy Systems
CIVL61212 units
Environmental Hydraulics and Flood Management
CIVL62102 units
Dam Engineering
CIVL62152 units
Ground Improvement
CIVL62502 units
Underground Structures
CIVL62202 units
Tailings Design
CIVL63602 units
Advanced Structural Analysis
CIVL64102 units
Transport Network Modelling
CIVL64122 units
Traffic Behavioural Modelling
CIVL64152 units
Traffic Analysis and Simulation
ENVE31502 units
Environmental Systems Dynamics & Modelling
ENVE31602 units
Environmental Phenomena
ENVE46102 units
Engineering the Circular Economy
ENVE61102 units
Environmental Sensor System & Monitoring
FIRE37002 units
Introduction to Fire Safety Engineering
FIRE46102 units
Fire Engineering Design: Solutions for Implicit Safety