SpecialisationMechanical Engineering
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)Plan and course requirements
Complete 36 units comprising:
- 32 units for all Mechanical Engineering Compulsory Courses, and
- 4 units from Mechanical Engineering Research Courses
Mechanical Engineering Compulsory Courses
Complete 32 units for ALL of the following:
ENGG13002 unitsIntroduction to Electrical Systems
ENGG15002 unitsThermodynamics : Energy and the Environment
ENGG17002 unitsStatics and Materials
MECH21002 unitsMachine Element Design
MECH22102 unitsIntermediate Mechanical & Space Dynamics
MECH23002 unitsStructures & Materials
MECH23052 unitsIntroduction to Engineering Design and Manufacturing
MECH24102 unitsFundamentals of Fluid Mechanics
MATH20012 unitsCalculus & Linear Algebra II
MATH20101 unitsAnalysis of Ordinary Differential Equations
STAT22011 unitsAnalysis of Engineering & Scientific Data
MECH31002 unitsMechanical Systems Design
MECH32002 unitsAdvanced Dynamics & Vibrations
MECH34002 unitsThermodynamics & Heat Transfer
MECH36102 unitsSystems Engineering Principles
ENGG49002 unitsProfessional Practice and the Business Environment
METR42012 unitsControl Engineering 1
Mechanical Engineering Research Courses
Complete exactly 4 units from the following:
ENGG45524 units