
Please contact the faculty regarding the duration of this program.

Commencing 2024

Program level

Shorter Form Credential





Teaching Location

St Lucia

Attendance mode

In Person

Entry requirements


Student must hold an MBBS, MD or equivalent, or an approved degree in the non-medical allied health field (e.g. physiotherapy, radiography).

Additional application information

The applications will be assessed for eligibility on a first come, first served basis.

Fees for Australian students

$7205 AUD.

How to Apply

Applications must be lodged via the Online Application Form.

Closing Date

Complete applications, with all required supporting documents, must be submitted at least 2 weeks prior to scheduled start date

Apply Online

Enquiries for Australian students

Faculty of Medicine

Email: med.enquiries@uq.edu.au

Phone: 07 3346 4922

Web: http://www.medicine.uq.edu.au/


Please contact the faculty regarding the duration of this program.

Commencing 2024

Program level

Shorter Form Credential





Teaching Location

St Lucia

Attendance mode

In Person

Entry requirements

International students who wish to undertake this program will not qualify for a Student Visa. To study this program in Australia, international students must hold alternative Australian Visa/Residency status with a sufficient study entitlement. See Department of Home Affairs for further details. Alternatively, for programs available in 'External' mode, students may study from their home country.

Fees for International students

$7205 AUD.

How to apply

Applications must be lodged via the Online Application Form.

Closing Date

Complete applications, with all required supporting documents, must be submitted at least 2 weeks prior to scheduled start date

Apply Online

Enquiries for International students

Faculty of Medicine

Phone: 07 3346 4922

Web: http://www.medicine.uq.edu.au/

Enquire online

Why study Advanced Clinical Anatomy?

The Advanced Clinical Anatomy Shorter Form Credential module (ACA-SFC) provides topographical training in anatomy with practical sessions on wet prosected specimens. This ACA-SFC is based on the Generic Surgical Science Examination of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons but also to ensures broader appeal (e.g. Emergency Medicine procedural, radiology, anaesthesia etc). Although the ACA-SFC is intended mainly for junior doctors preparing for Surgical and Radiology Training examinations, it is open to junior doctors and non-medical allied health professionals.

The ACA-SFC will be conducted online and in-person, and will be delivered by experienced Brisbane-based senior practising surgeons who are Fellows of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (RACS). ACA-SFC comprises distance learning on-line sub-modules, providing fundamental anatomical knowledge, and clinical and practical elements delivered in intensive weekend workshops at The University of Queensland's St Lucia Campus. There will be a mid-semester assessment half-way through the ACA-SFC and a final assessment at the end of the ACA-SFC, both coinciding with the weekend intensives.

The ACA-SFC is offered by The University of Queensland's School of Biomedical Sciences in the Faculty of Medicine.

What you can study

1. Introduction - Key Concepts
2. Integumentary system (Burns and plastic surgery)
3. Neck, Axilla and Breast
4. Neuroanatomy
5. Thorax
6. Upper abdomen
7. Abdominal wall
8. Faciomaxillary and ENT
9. Lower abdomen
10. Urogenital and perineum
11. Gynaecological anatomy
12. Lower limb
13. Upper limb
14. Radiographic anatomy

To access the full course profile, see here.

What you can do with a Advanced Clinical Anatomy


This module provides invaluable knowledge to prepare junior doctors for their Surgical or Radiology Training examinations, and will allow for non-medical allied health professionals to excel in a clinical environment.

Rules for Shorter Form Credential

To complete the Shorter Form Credential

For more information on program requirements, please contact the Faculty.

Students should be aware of the University of Queensland policies and rules which govern the conduct of UQ programs. These may be found on the UQ policies and rules page on the my.UQ website.