
5.5 Years full-time (or part-time equivalent)

Commencing 2021

Semester 1 (22 Feb, 2021)
Semester 2 (26 Jul, 2021)

Program level





Engineering, Architecture & Information Technology

Teaching Location

St Lucia

Delivery mode


Courses and requirements

View the courses and requirements for courses that can be studied as part of the Bachelors of Engineering (Honours) / Computer Science.

Component Degrees

Component Degrees that make up the Bachelors of Engineering (Honours) / Computer Science:

Dual Degree Planner

Bachelors of Engineering (Honours) / Computer Science

AQF level

Refer to your component degrees for AQF level.

Fees for Australian students

When you enrol each semester, mySI-net will calculate your fees. An invoice with the fees for the current semester will generally be available for viewing on mySI-net overnight.

If the invoice for a given semester or teaching period is not yet available, you can use the Fees Schedules to estimate your fees. Please see the program rules, the Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) course list and the Bachelor of Computer Science course list if you are unsure which courses you can do in your program.

Fees for all students are reviewed annually in accordance with the University's Student Fees Policy, and may increase from 1 January each year.

If you are a prospective student, or if you haven't yet commenced your program, please see the Study at UQ website for fee information.

How to apply

Applications must be lodged via the Queensland Tertiary Admissions Centre.

Closing Date

Please refer to the QTAC website (www.qtac.edu.au) for details of closing dates for the submission of applications, documentation and changes of preference.

How to apply

Enquiries for Australian students

Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology

Email: enquiries@eait.uq.edu.au

Phone: 07 3365 4777


Why study the Bachelors of Engineering (Honours) / Computer Science?

The University of Queensland's engineering program offers the largest choice of engineering programs in Queensland, with a large number of distinct majors, double majors and minors. The flexible curriculum equips students to work in both established and newly emerging areas of engineering. Students develop their understanding by applying science and engineering principles to engineering problems of commercial importance. Computer science combines the theoretical studies of algorithms and data structures, with the practical challenges of implementing them in hardware and software systems. Computer science plays a key role in the creation, development, implementation and evaluation of technology. Society relies upon computer-based systems for the operation and support of services in finance, energy, transport, health, and communications. Skills learnt in this program are utilised in fields ranging from bioinformatics to digital humanities where sophisticated knowledge in programming and data analysis are used to manipulate massive data sets

Note: Students commencing prior to 2021, should follow the course and program information for previous years .

What you can study

How to apply

What it costs

What you can do with a Bachelors of Engineering (Honours) / Computer Science

Program rules for the Bachelors of Engineering (Honours) / Computer Science