
4 Years full-time (or part-time equivalent)

Commencing 2023

Semester 1 (20 Feb, 2023)
Semester 2 (24 Jul, 2023)

Program level





Business, Economics & Law Fac
Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences

Teaching Location

St Lucia

Attendance mode

In Person

Courses and requirements

View the courses and requirements for courses that can be studied as part of the Bachelors of Business Management / Education (Secondary).

Component Degrees

Component Degrees that make up the Bachelors of Business Management / Education (Secondary):

Dual Degree Planner

Bachelors of Business Management / Education (Secondary)

AQF level

Refer to your component degrees for AQF level.

Fees for Australian students

When you enrol each semester, mySI-net will calculate your fees. An invoice with the fees for the current semester will generally be available for viewing on mySI-net overnight.

If the invoice for a given semester or teaching period is not yet available, you can use the Fees Schedules to estimate your fees. Please see the program rules, the Bachelor of Business Management course list and the Bachelor of Education (Secondary) course list if you are unsure which courses you can do in your program.

Fees for all students are reviewed annually in accordance with the University's Student Fees Policy, and may increase from 1 January each year.

If you are a prospective student, or if you haven't yet commenced your program, please see the Study at UQ website for fee information.

How to apply

Applications must be lodged via the Queensland Tertiary Admissions Centre.

Closing Date

Please refer to the QTAC website (www.qtac.edu.au) for details of closing dates for the submission of applications, documentation and changes of preference.

How to apply

Enquiries for Australian students

Faculty of Business, Economics and Law

Email: bel@uq.edu.au or Ask HASS Online

Phone: 07 3365 7111



4 Years full-time

Commencing 2023

Semester 1 (20 Feb, 2023)

Program level





Business, Economics & Law Fac
Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences

Teaching Location

St Lucia

Attendance mode

In Person

Courses and requirements

View the courses and requirements for courses that can be studied as part of the Bachelors of Business Management / Education (Secondary).

Component Degrees

Component Degrees that make up the Bachelors of Business Management / Education (Secondary):

Dual Degree Planner

Bachelors of Business Management / Education (Secondary)

Entry requirements


Queensland Year 12 (or equivalent):

  • General English subject (Units 3 & 4, C)
  • one of General Mathematics, Mathematical Methods or Specialist Mathematics (Units 3 & 4, C)

All applicants to education programs in Australia must complete non-academic entry criteria. For further information please see QTAC's Initial Teacher Education (ITE) advice page. View the equivalent qualifications for international students.

CRICOS Code: 098330E

English Proficiency

IELTS Academic - score of 7.5 overall; speaking 8; listening 8, reading 7, writing 7. For other English Language Proficiency Tests and Scores approved for UQ.

TOEFL IBT (including Paper Edition), PTE Academic, BE, CES, and OET are not accepted.

view the English proficiency policy.

View the entry requirements for international students.

AQF level

Refer to your component degrees for AQF level.

Fees for International students

When you enrol each semester, mySI-net will calculate your fees. An invoice with the fees for the current semester will generally be available for viewing on mySI-net overnight.

If the invoice for a given semester or teaching period is not yet available, you can use the Fees Schedules to estimate your fees. Please see the program rules, the Bachelor of Business Management course list and the Bachelor of Education (Secondary) course list if you are unsure which courses you can do in your program.

Fees for all students are reviewed annually in accordance with the University's Student Fees Policy, and may increase from 1 January each year.

If you are a prospective student, or if you haven't yet commenced your program, please see the Study at UQ website for fee information.

How to apply

Applications must be lodged via the Online Application Form.

Closing Date

To commence study in semester 2 - May 31 of the year of commencement.

To commence study in semester 1 - November 30 of the previous year.

Apply Online

Enquiries for International students

International Student Advisor

Phone: Outside Australia: + 61 3 8676 7004
Within Australia (Free Call): 1800 671 980


Enquire online

Why study the Bachelors of Business Management / Education (Secondary)?

Please note: This program has been restructured and has a new program code for students commencing from 2021. Students who commenced in this program prior to 2021 should follow the program rules and course list from the year they commenced. Transitional arrangements for pre-2021 students are available here.

The Bachelor of Business Management / Bachelor of Education (Secondary) program is designed to meet the needs of students wishing to complete a pre-service teacher education program, whilst providing the opportunity to explore other career options that are normally available to students completing a Business Management degree.

What you can study

Course Lists

Courses that can be studied as part of the Bachelors of Business Management / Education (Secondary) :

Click on the course code to view the Course Profile, for further information including advice of courses with shared teaching activities.


Studies may be undertaken in the following specialisations. Please click on the major(s) that are of interest to you for more information.

Bachelor of Business Management

Placement courses

Students undertaking a Bachelor of Business Management/Bachelor of Education(Secondary) dual program must complete 90 days of supervised and assessed professional experience comprising of: 20 days of school experience/observation and 70 days of supervised practicum placement throughout the program.

Every effort is made to place students within a reasonable distance of their home base but they can be expected to travel up to 90 minutes due to public transport connections and incur costs associated with travel and possible lost income over this period. Students are generally placed at Ipswich, Brisbane, and southeast Queensland and are encouraged to explore the option of a rural placement. Financial assistance may be available to assist with travel and accommodation costs for rural placements. Students are required to have a current Blue Card (Working with Children Check) before commencing practicum. Students can apply for a Blue Card through the School of Education and should do so three months before their practicum is due to commence. The Teacher Preparation Programs Handbook provides information about practicum and school experience requirements and is available from the School of Education.


Honours is available as an additional year of study.

How to apply

Entry requirements for Australian students

See the Study at UQ website for admissions information

How to apply

Applications must be lodged via the Queensland Tertiary Admissions Centre.

Click here for application procedures for Australian students.

Closing date

Please refer to the QTAC website (www.qtac.edu.au) for details of closing dates for the submission of applications, documentation and changes of preference.

Entry requirements for International students

View the entry requirements for international students.


Queensland Year 12 (or equivalent):

  • General English subject (Units 3 & 4, C)
  • one of General Mathematics, Mathematical Methods or Specialist Mathematics (Units 3 & 4, C)

All applicants to education programs in Australia must complete non-academic entry criteria. For further information please see QTAC's Initial Teacher Education (ITE) advice page. View the equivalent qualifications for International students.

Additional application requirements

As part of the Australian Institute for Teaching and Leadership (AITSL) revised Standards and Procedures (2015), applicants to initial teacher education courses (pre-service teachers) must satisfy both academic and non-academic entry criteria for selection to the course. All applicants will need to complete an online questionnaire to meet the non-academic entry requirement for this program. Once you have submitted your application, you will be directed to the online questionnaire.

All students are required to successfully meet the Literacy and Numeracy Test for Initial Teacher Education (LANTITE) standards prior to graduation. Please contact the School of Education for further details (education@uq.edu.au) or visit the School of Education office. For more information on the test including sample tests, indicative fees, testing institutions and registration information, please visit the School of Education LANTITE website and the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) website.

Visa requirements

CRICOS Code: 098330E

English proficiency

IELTS Academic - score of 7.5 overall; speaking 8; listening 8, reading 7, writing 7. For other English Language Proficiency Tests and Scores approved for UQ.

TOEFL IBT (including Paper Edition), PTE Academic, BE, CES, and OET are not accepted.

View the English proficiency policy.

How to apply

Applications must be lodged via the Online Application Form.

Apply Online

Closing date

To commence study in semester 2 - May 31 of the year of commencement.

To commence study in semester 1 - November 30 of the previous year.

What it costs

Fees for Australian students

When you enrol each semester, mySI-net will calculate your fees. An invoice with the fees for the current semester will generally be available for viewing on mySI-net overnight.

If the invoice for a given semester or teaching period is not yet available, you can use the Fees Schedules to estimate your fees. Please see the program rules, the Bachelor of Business Management course list and the Bachelor of Education (Secondary) course list if you are unsure which courses you can do in your program.

Fees for all students are reviewed annually in accordance with the University's Student Fees Policy, and may increase from 1 January each year.

If you are a prospective student, or if you haven't yet commenced your program, please see the Study at UQ website for fee information.

Fees for International students

When you enrol each semester, mySI-net will calculate your fees. An invoice with the fees for the current semester will generally be available for viewing on mySI-net overnight.

If the invoice for a given semester or teaching period is not yet available, you can use the Fees Schedules to estimate your fees. Please see the program rules, the Bachelor of Business Management course list and the Bachelor of Education (Secondary) course list if you are unsure which courses you can do in your program.

Fees for all students are reviewed annually in accordance with the University's Student Fees Policy, and may increase from 1 January each year.

If you are a prospective student, or if you haven't yet commenced your program, please see the Study at UQ website for fee information.

Additional costs

  • There may be additional course costs associated with travel or materials.
  • Students are expected to fund travel and living expenses associated with placements, some of which may be outside the Brisbane metropolitan area.
  • All students are required to successfully meet the Literacy and Numeracy Test for Initial Teacher Education (LANTITE) standards prior to graduation.
  • Students are responsible for the cost of the LANTITE (approximately $196 or $98 per test). ACER website (https://teacheredtest.acer.edu.au) lists current fees.
  • Please contact the School of Education for further details (education@uq.edu.au) or visit the School of Education office.
  • For more information on the LANTITE tests, including sample tests and registration information, please visit the Australian Council for Educational Research website: https://teacheredtest.acer.edu.au
  • Students are responsible for the cost of transportation and accommodation to attend residential schools or practicals.
  • A clinical uniform shirt is required and may be purchased through the School.

What you can do with a Bachelors of Business Management / Education (Secondary)


Refer to the Bachelor of Business Management and the Bachelor of Education (Secondary) for employment opportunities.

All students are required to successfully meet the Literacy and Numeracy Test for Initial Teacher Education (LANTITE) standards prior to graduation. Please contact the School of Education for further details (education@uq.edu.au) or visit the School of Education office. For more information on the test including sample tests, indicative fees, testing institutions and registration information, please visit the School of Education LANTITE website and the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) website.

Professional memberships

Graduates may be eligible for membership with the following organisations:

  • Australian Human Resources Institute
  • Australian Marketing Institute
  • Economic Society of Australia

Accrediting body

This program has been accredited by:


Program rules for the Bachelors of Business Management / Education (Secondary)

To complete the Bachelors of Business Management / Education (Secondary)

To graduate with a Bachelors of Business Management / Education (Secondary) a student must have successfully completed all requirements of the program as certified by the Executive Dean. This includes courses to be taken to complete the program and any other specific conditions of the program including admission, enrolment and progression requirements.

Students should be aware of the University of Queensland policies and rules which govern the conduct of UQ programs. These may be found on the UQ policies and rules page on the my.UQ website.