Course list for the Ancient History/History Minor
Information valid for students commencing 2021
Ancient History/History (UQ Minor)
For the Ancient History/History UQ minor, students must complete 8 units comprising —
    - 2 units for Level 1 Ancient History/History UQ minor compulsory courses; and
    - 2 units from Level 1 Ancient History/History UQ minor elective courses; and
    - 2 to 4 units from Level 2 Ancient History/History UQ minor elective courses; and
    - 0 to 4 units from Level 3 Ancient History/History UQ minor elective courses.
Level 1 Ancient History/History UQ Minor compulsory courses
Complete these 2 units —
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
HIST1601 | 2 | World History: Global Connections |
Level 1 Ancient History/History UQ Minor elective courses
Choose 2 units from —
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
ANCH1250 | 2 | The Rise of Ancient Rome: Roman History to the Death of Augustus |
ANCH1240 | 2 | The Rise of Ancient Greece: Greek History to the 4th Century BC |
Level 2 Ancient History/History UQ Minor elective courses
Complete 2 to 4 units from the following choices —
Choose 2 to 4 units from —
Course Code | Units | Course Title |
ANCH2040 | 2 | The World of Classical Athens: Politics and Society |
ANCH2230 | 2 | The Roman Empire: Politics and Society |
ANCH2320 | 2 | The Roman Republic |