Commencing semesters, 2021
Semester 1
Semester 2
Program level
Program code
Business, Economics & Law Fac
Science Faculty
School of Psychology
Teaching Location
St Lucia
Delivery mode
Australian/domestic students
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Phone: 07 3365 7111
International students
International Student Advisor
Phone: Outside Australia: + 61 3 8676 7004
Within Australia (Free Call): 1800 671 980
Why study Psychology?
Study a minor in Psychology to examine topics like brain function, memory, conscious experience, lifespan development, and social behaviour, together with the full spectrum of functional and dysfunctional behaviours.
Psychology is available as a minor, major and extended major.
Courses and requirements
View the courses and requirements for courses that can be studied as part of the Psychology minor.
Employment opportunities
Your combination of science and psychology studies will give you a competitive edge with employers. You may enter professions that require superior analytical and thinking skills such as scientific research, neuroscience, human resources, and mental health. If you are seeking a psychology career then the fully accredited extended major in psychology provides the foundation for further training. You must complete the extended major in order to be eligible for entry into the Honours program.
What it costs
Please view the Bachelors of Business Management / Science for indicative fees.
How to apply
Please view the Bachelors of Business Management / Science for information on key dates and how to apply.