Commencing semesters, 2019
Semester 1
Semester 2
Program level
Program code
Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
Science Faculty
School of Agriculture and Food Sciences
Teaching Location
St Lucia
Delivery mode
Australian/domestic students
Faculty of Science
Phone: 07 3365 1888
International students
International Student Advisor
Phone: Outside Australia: + 61 3 8676 7004
Within Australia (Free Call): 1800 671 980
Why study Food Science and Technology?
Food science and technology is a highly interdisciplinary science, which strives to better understand food processes and ultimately develop improved food products for the world's growing population. The food you eat each day comes to you through highly technical processes based on extensive research and an understanding of the physical, microbiological and chemical makeup of food.
More information about what can be studied in the Food Science and Technology Major.
What you can study
This major deals with issues such as food safety, product development, the industrial processes used to manufacture food, food preservation, food technology, packaging, and sensory analysis. As one of the life sciences, it is quite distinct from the field of nutrition. The major does not cover the domestic cooking, catering or hospitality fields.
Food Science and Technology is also available as an extended major or as a Food Science and Nutrition dual major.
Courses and requirements
View the courses and requirements for courses that can be studied as part of the Food Science and Technology major.
Employment opportunities
Graduates gain employment in technical and scientific food manufacturing industries where they develop new foods, design the processes to produce these foods, and plan packaging materials to optimise food quality for consumers. They conduct shelf-life studies and sensory evaluation of products with consumer panels as well as undertaking microbiological and chemical testing of products for consumer safety.
What it costs
Please view the Bachelors of Science/Arts for indicative fees.
How to apply
Please view the Bachelors of Science/Arts for information on key dates and how to apply.