Electrical Engineering Specialisation
Part of the Bachelors of Engineering (Honours) / Business Management program
Commencing semesters, 2021
Semester 1
Semester 2
Program level
Program code
Business, Economics & Law Fac
Engineering, Architecture & Information Technology
School of Information Tech & Elec Engineering
Teaching Location
St Lucia
Delivery mode
Australian/domestic students
BE(Hons): EAIT Faculty; BBusMan: BEL Faculty
Email: enquiries@eait.uq.edu.au
Phone: 07 3365 4777
International students
International Student Advisor
Phone: Outside Australia: + 61 3 8676 7004 Within Australia (Free Call): 1800 671 980
Why study Electrical Engineering?
Electrical engineering is concerned with electrical and electronic devices and systems. Electrical engineers work with equipment ranging from heavy power generators to tiny computer chips. Their work contributes to almost every sector of society: for example, home theatre entertainment systems, mobile phones, digital cameras and television to enhance our lifestyle, medical imaging systems for improved health care, electrical appliances for homes, scientific instruments for laboratories, lasers for reliable high speed communication, handheld multimedia devices to provide information on the move, and satellite systems for remote sensing of the environment and reliable mobile and fixed energy systems to power all of these. Tailor your specialisation in electrical engineering with majors or minors that meet your interests and career goals. Electrical engineering offers these options: Majors Biomedical engineering Computer engineering Minors Computing Data science Design
Courses and requirements
Please refer to the Bachelors of Engineering (Honours) / Business Management Program Rules for the number of units required from each course list.
Courses that can be studied as part of the Electrical Engineering Specialisation:
- Course list for the Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)
- Course list for the Bachelor of Business Management
Employment opportunities
Career opportunities are found in the telecommunications industry, mining and transport sector, computer industry, or in power generation and transmission industries. They are also employed by electronics companies, both large and small. Many of our graduates are forming their own companies quite early in their careers.
What it costs
Please view the Bachelors of Engineering (Honours) / Business Management for indicative fees.
How to apply
Please view the Bachelors of Engineering (Honours) / Business Management for information on key dates and how to apply.
Professional memberships
Graduates may be eligible for membership with the following professional bodies:
- Engineers Australia