Commencing semesters, 2023

Semester 1

Program level


Program code





School of Social Science

Teaching Location

St Lucia

Attendance mode

In Person

Courses and requirements

View the courses and requirements for courses that can be studied as part of the Archaeological Science field of study.


Australian/domestic students

Faculty of Science


Phone: 07 3365 1888

International students

International Student Advisor


Phone: Outside Australia: + 61 3 8676 7004
Within Australia (Free Call): 1800 671 980

Enquire online

Why study Archaeological Science?

An honours year in Archaeological Science allows you to work as part of one of the largest archaeological science research groups in Australia. Plan, research and produce a substantial project into globally significant issues such as human evolution and dispersal, the development of civilisation and human-environment relationships, and develop your critical analysis, communication and research skills. Research seminars will provide you with advanced level knowledge of archaeological science theory, methodology and practice. The BSc Honours Field in Archaeological Science is designed to complement undergraduate study and together fulfil the minimum qualification for professional entry (following national benchmarks) to archaeology for science-based students, as well as research based higher degrees. Thesis research projects will be developed with collaborators from UQ's broader science community, thus deepening and extending existing collaborative research links across UQ.

There is no semester two entry available for Archaeological Science.

For further information on this plan and projects available, contact the School of Social Science.

Courses and requirements

View the Bachelor of Science (Honours) course list for courses that can be studied as part of the Archaeological Science field of study.

What it costs

Please view the Bachelor of Science (Honours) for indicative fees.

How to apply

Please view the Bachelor of Science (Honours) for information on key dates and how to apply.