Commencing semesters, 2023

Semester 1
Semester 2

Program level


Program code



Engineering, Architecture & Information Technology
Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences


School of Historical and Philosophical Inquiry

Teaching Location

St Lucia

Attendance mode

In Person

Course Lists

Please refer to the Bachelors of Computer Science / Arts Program Rules for the number of units required from each course list.


Australian/domestic students

Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology


Phone: 07 3365 4777

International students

International Student Advisor


Phone: Outside Australia: + 61 3 8676 7004
Within Australia (Free Call): 1800 671 980

Enquire online

Why study Ancient History?

The Ancient History extended major enables students to explore the lives of Ancient Mediterranean peoples, particularly the Greeks and Romans, through the study of their history, politics, social customs, literature, drama, philosophy, religion, mythology, warfare, art and architecture. Topics examined in greater depth include Alexander the Great and the Hellenistic world, the reception of Ancient Films and the complexities of concepts such as Culture, Identity and Power throughout the ancient Mediterranean. Many courses also enrich learning experiences by providing unique opportunities for students to develop transferable workplace skills through the incorporation of ancient artefacts from UQ's R.D. Milns Antiquities Museum, work-integrated learning opportunities, authentic assessment tasks overseas and travel experiences. The extended major helps students to think critically and innovatively, form evidence-based persuasive arguments, develop advanced written and oral communication skills, and undertake high level research. Students are able to study ancient influences on modern institutions and ideas, to engage with issues which are still important in the modern world, including gender and identity, ethical and responsible behaviour, personal bias and equity and diversity.

Courses and requirements

Please refer to the Bachelors of Computer Science / Arts Program Rules for the number of units required from each course list.

Courses that can be studied as part of the Ancient History Extended Major:

What it costs

Please view the Bachelors of Computer Science / Arts for indicative fees.

How to apply

Please view the Bachelors of Computer Science / Arts for information on key dates and how to apply.