Course level

UQ College


UQ College


UQ College




Two Trimesters

Delivery mode


Class hours

4 Contact hours

Assessment methods

Reflection - Assessment A Reflection Task

Workbook - Assessment B - Academic Article review

Online Quiz - Assessment C Research Methodology

Online Quiz - Assessment D Ethics in Research

Assessment 1: Research Proposal

Assessment 2: Annotated Bibliography

Assessment 3: Literature Review

Assessment 4: Research Portfolio

Assessment 5: Research Report

Course duration

This course runs over course, commencing in Trimester 3, 2022.

Course description

On completion of this course, students will be able to: 1. Apply concepts, terminology and principles of research to develop and complete a research project on an agreed topic within a chosen discipline; 2. Interpret research requirements and develop a project plan consistent with academic research methodology relevant to a chosen topic; 3. Undertake research and analysis in accordance with project scope, discipline, plan and methodology requirements; 4. Organise time effectively to meet output deliverables; 5. Consult with teacher for mentoring advice and to confirm research validity, academic and discipline rigour; 6. Demonstrate self-direction and development of ability to work independently; 7. Review project progress periodically, and re-negotiate as required, with teacher; 8. Modify scope, topic (if required) and adjust document draft/s, in consultation with teacher; 9. Present final academic research project report in prescribed academic format, according to given criteria and in accordance with discipline requirements.

Archived offerings

Course offerings Location Mode Course Profile
Trimester 1, 2023 (20/02/2023 - 29/04/2023) St Lucia In Person Profile unavailable
Trimester 3, 2022 (05/09/2022 - 09/12/2022) St Lucia Internal Profile unavailable