Course level



Medicine & Biomedical Sciences




One Semester

Delivery mode


Class hours

4C4T x 7 weeks


ANAT1100, BIOM1100, PMDC1102, PMDC1202, PATH1000, PCOL2000, PMDC1303, PMDC2100, PMDC2200, PMDC2201, PMDC2203, PMDC3103


PMDC3202, PMDC3203

Assessment methods

Computer-based assessment 5%, Mid Semester Exam 40%; End Semester Exam 55%

Course enquiries

Course description

Paediatric Emergencies will build on the knowledge obtained in the foundational science (ANAT1100, BIOM1100, PATH1000, PCOL2000) and clinical skills (PMDC2100, PMDC2200) courses. Students will gain specific knowledge of common paediatric emergencies encountered by paramedics. Teaching will include the presentation, history, risk factors & clinical management of each of these emergencies, and will identify the differences in presentation and management of paediatric patients. The aim of the course is to enable students to correctly diagnose and competently manage any paediatric emergency/potential emergency relevant to their practice as a paramedic. Students will also be expected to use an evidence-based practice approach to the clinical management of their paediatric patients. This course will be delivered over seven weeks following the six week on-road clinical placement block.

Archived offerings

Course offerings Location Mode Course Profile
Semester 2, 2016 (25/07/2016 - 19/11/2016) Ipswich Internal Course Profile