Rural Community Development (MGTS7968)
Information valid for Semester 1, 2019
Course level
Postgraduate Coursework
Agriculture Food Sciences Schl
One Semester
Delivery mode
Class hours
7 days intensive + 1C per week
Assessment methods
Two assignments and a case study
Course enquiries
Course description
This course will be offered in ODD Years The course covers a wide range of topics about the function of rural communities including the principles and processes of rural community development, understanding communities, and community economic development. It also covers methods of working with communities and practical approaches to fostering rural communities. The minimum enrolment required is 15. There are two modes that students can enrol in ¿ Internal and Intensive. Internal and Intensive modes are essentially the same. Students in these modes attend the course workshops, a five day workshop early in the semester and a two day follow-up workshop late in the semester. Tutorials are provided at Gatton for addition support. Students normally based at Gatton should enrol in internal mode. All other students should enrol in intensive mode. Attendance at all sessions throughout the workshops is required. External mode is not available in 2019, but students who are located beyond a reasonable travelling distance of Gatton campus may make special application to the course coordinator to study the course by accessing materials via the Elearning site.