Module level

Shorter Form Credential


Humanities and Social Sciences


Languages & Cultures School





Attendance mode

In Person

Class hours

General contact hours 3 Hours/ Ad Hoc
Workshop 9 Hours/ One Off

Recommended prerequisite

LING7011S Building your Language Revitalisation Network and LING7012S Being an Adult Language Learner in a Language Revitalisation Setting

Recommended companion

LING7011S Building your Language Revitalisation Network

LING7012S Being an Adult Language Learner

LING7013S Language Research in Archives

Assessment methods

Compilation of language description terms

Language description

Module duration

This module has various scheduled times, commencing in January, 2023.

Module description

Many language materials created by linguists and others have technical linguistic descriptions. This can stop language custodians and speakers from getting to the information about their languages. In this course, we will unpack technical language and develop better ways to talk about languages.

LING7014S Language Descriptions is a Shorter Form Credential offered through the School of Languages and Cultures. It is designed for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who are involved in and have some knowledge of language revitalisation work in their community. It requires 12 contact hours and approximately 10 independent study hours to complete.

In June 2023, this module runs from 26 June to 4 August, including on-campus workshops from 9 to 15 July inclusive. Apply by Saturday, 1 July 2023.

Archived offerings

Module offerings Location Mode Course Profile
SFC Enrolment Year, 2023 (23/01/2023 - 27/02/2023) St Lucia In Person Course Profile
SFC Enrolment Year, 2023 (23/01/2023 - 27/02/2023) St Lucia In Person Course Profile
SFC Enrolment Year, 2023 (26/06/2023 - 04/08/2023) St Lucia In Person Profile unavailable