Honours Research Thesis (ERTH6505)
Course level
Two Semesters
Assessment methods
Seminar presentation
Course enquiries
This course is not currently offered, please contact the school or faculty of your program.
Course description
This course is no longer offered. Students should contact environment@enquire.uq.edu.au for enrolment enquiries.
Advanced research project and preparation of thesis report undertaken in a research honours program. The project will often involve advanced analytical methods and a field component, both supervised and unsupervised. Depending on the project, this component may incur additional costs to cover travel and accommodation during field work. Students commencing in sem 1 with #8/#4 split should enrol in ERTH6505 for sem 1 and sem 2; students commencing in sem 2 with #8/#4 split should enrol in ERTH6506 for sem 2 and the following sem 1.