Module level

Shorter Form Credential


Humanities and Social Sciences


Education School





Attendance mode


Class hours

Self-paced over 3 months (approx. 30 hours)


EDUC7079; EDUC7402S

Recommended companion

2. EDUC7406S: Diving Deep into the Science of Learning in Practice

4. EDUC7409S: Leading the Science of Learning in Practice

Assessment methods

Scenario-based multiple choice quiz

Course enquiries

Module duration

This module has various scheduled times, commencing in January, 2023.

Module description

This Module - Research Design: Applying and Evaluating the Science of Learning in practice - will provide students with an insight into how research is conducted in the science of learning, and will also develop their skills for systematically gathering, analysing, and interpreting evidence in their own context. The concepts and skills covered in this module are useful in running purpose-built research or inquiry projects within an educational context, including drawing upon evidence that is already gathered routinely by educators, whether formally (e.g., assessment data) or informally (e.g., everyday observations of classroom behaviour). Furthermore, it will support educators to be more autonomous agents and leaders of research-informed practice ¿ understanding the barriers and enablers to effectively mobilising knowledge from the science of learning into educational practice. They will develop skills in critical analysis, assisting them to sift through pseudoscientific claims, and draw implications from quality evidence that can be actioned in their own context. Additionally, they will build knowledge in how to mediate research into the educational practice of colleagues. 

The module content is relevant to AITSL Professional Standards for Teachers No. 3, 5, 6, and 7.

Students will have up to 3 months to complete the module. The module will be offered in 2023.

Archived offerings

Module offerings Location Mode Course Profile
SFC Enrolment Year, 2023 (24/07/2023 - 27/10/2023) External External Course Profile
SFC Enrolment Year, 2023 (20/02/2023 - 26/05/2023) External External Course Profile