Written Chinese IIIA (CHIN3200)
Information valid for Semester 1, 2025
Course level
Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
Languages & Cultures School
One Semester
Attendance mode
In Person
Class hours
Tutorial 3 Hours/ Week
CHIN2211 or CHIN3020
Assessment methods
In-semester exam and final exam
Course enquiries
Doctor Sheng-hsun Lee (Semester 1, St Lucia, In person)
Current course offerings
Course offerings | Location | Mode | Course Profile |
Semester 1, 2025 (24/02/2025 - 21/06/2025) | St Lucia | In Person | Course Profile |
Please Note: Course profiles marked as not available may still be in development.
Course description
This course aims to develop students' skills in reading and writing Chinese in representative styles of Modern Chinese. Texts used include short stories, fiction, essays and newspaper articles.
This is an advanced level course in written Chinese that carries on from CHIN3020 and aims to further develop students' literacy skills in Modern Chinese. The instruction covers three aspects of language use. First, we will focus on reading and writing two genres: argumentation and narration. Argumentation is about truth, logics, and evidence. Narration is about structuring lived experience in time and space. Both genres are fundamental to the development of literacy skills. Secondly, we will explore different registers such that writing to a customer at a workplace setting is different from messaging close friends. Finally, new words and grammatical structures are introduced based on various advanced topics, such as Confucianism and migrant workers in contemporary China.