Critical Thinking & Communication in Biology (BIOL6402)
Information valid for Semester 1, 2024
Course level
School of the Environment
Two Semesters
Attendance mode
In Person
Enrolment restricted to Bachelor of Science (Honours) students.
Assessment methods
Short Question, Presentation, Report, Attendance, Diary
Course enquiries
Doctor Renjie Zhou (Semester 1, Regular, St Lucia, In person)
Dr Renjie Zhou
Course duration
This is a year long course. It commences in Semester 1, 2024 and completes in Semester 2, 2024.
Course description
This course is no longer offered after 2024. Students should enrol in SCIE4000 (Research Methods) from Semester 1 2025.
BIOL6402 will introduce you to the broader scientific field of biology. You will read, discuss and present scientific knowledge outside the area of your research project. The course is run as a series of discussion groups. A reading list is compiled by SENV academics who select three papers on a theme in Biological Sciences for each session. You will attend and participate in five discussion groups over the course of the year. Course reading material will be available from the library ( course materials BIOL6402) as PDFs. At the beginning of the course you will select one topic to examine in depth. You will be assigned one of the papers from that topic to present. At each session three Honours students each present a 15 min critique of their selected paper to the group and then lead a ~15 min discussion period.