Course level





Chemistry & Molec Biosciences




One Semester

Attendance mode

In Person

Class hours

Lecture 3 Hours/ Week
Practical 3 Hours/ Week
Tutorial 1 Hour/ Week


BIOC3000 (non-advanced) and BIOC7100 (co-taught)



Recommended prerequisite

BIOL2202 or 2902 + CHEM2052 + CHEM1200


Only available to students enrolled in the BAdvSc(Hons).

Assessment methods

Practical Reports



Course enquiries

Study Abroad

This course is pre-approved for Study Abroad and Exchange students.

Current course offerings

Course offerings Location Mode Course Profile
Semester 1, 2025 (24/02/2025 - 21/06/2025) St Lucia In Person Profile unavailable

Please Note: Course profiles marked as not available may still be in development.

Course description

The understanding of molecular structure & function is of central importance to students undertaking a major in the biological or chemical fields. This course focuses on the structural biology of protein, RNA, and other biological molecules relating structure to function. It extends students¿ prior learning in biochemistry and molecular biology and applies it to the new field of synthetic biology, where biological systems are redesigned to create useful devices, tools and solutions to global challenges. Some content and assignments are based on current literature describing recent DNA & protein structures & how structure can inform about function. Students will learn about communicating science to different audiences, including the general public. Laboratory work will emphasize the techniques required to analyse biomolecules in the context of a student-driven synthetic biology project. A second laboratory exercise focuses on protein structure determination. This course will be available to study from 2023.

Archived offerings

Course offerings Location Mode Course Profile
Semester 1, 2024 (19/02/2024 - 15/06/2024) St Lucia In Person Course Profile
Semester 1, 2023 (20/02/2023 - 17/06/2023) St Lucia In Person Course Profile