Course level





Agriculture Food Sciences Schl




One Semester

Delivery mode


Class hours

2 Contact hours

Assessment methods

Essay (25%)

Report (40%)

Conference Paper (35%)

Course enquiries

Course description

AGRC3062 will not be offered after 2021 and will be replaced with AGRC6010 - Emerging Issues in Plant & Animal Biosciences from 2023 onwards. The course introduces students to major emerging issues affecting policy and practice in the plant biosciences. The world is facing growing pressures in its current and future ability to supply crops, fibre and energy as its population heads towards 9 billion in the face of limiting resources, competition for land use, environmental, cultural and social change. Sustainability is a common catch-cry applied at all levels, for global systems, economic processes, nations, regions and individual farm units. Key issues may include, but are not limited to climate change, the development of the new (de-carbonised) economy, biosecurity, new technologies for plant modification such as CRISPR, the potential for microalgae as bio production systems, the desire to reduce or eliminate pesticides from production systems, mechanisms for food traceability, the growing influence of social media to connect consumers with production systems and the influence of public activism campaigns. Students will be encouraged to think of themselves as shaping the future by understanding the drivers behind a global push to develop a circular economy, rather than solely responding to trends. The course covers topics relevant to all plant science students and aims to provoke deep consideration of how these issues might affect future professional careers.

Archived offerings

Course offerings Location Mode Course Profile
Semester 2, 2021 (26/07/2021 - 20/11/2021) Gatton Internal Course Profile
Semester 2, 2020 (03/08/2020 - 21/11/2020) Gatton Flexible Delivery Course Profile